RaspberrySwirl wrote:
Just out of curiosity, did you buyanother bun like Maxi to try to help Mitzie adjust easier, or was itcoincidence?
Didn't buy "him." Local people's son "outgrew" the rabbit,which was an Easter Rabbit two years ago. We fostered "him."
Yes, we wanted to provide companionship for Mitzie and I waslooking for another bun to carry around in my front back, whichErnest(ine) does well. It seems the rabbits who adapted bestto the carry around scenario in the past for us have all been Dutches,so I thought it might work. Does, just the sex is differentthis
Missy/Calbert/Mitzie, Mickie/Maizie will only stand for the pack for ashort while, then they become fidgety and start scratching and/ornibbling at the pack. Ernest(ine) enjoys the ride, and seemsto enjoy the attention. A pet communicator I met at a localpet expo claimed Ernest(ine) was quite intriqued by all the activitygoing on around at the expo, and darned if (s)he didn't seem like (s)hereally did seem interested in everything and had no fear with thedozens of dogs milling about, either.
Pet communicator did not "pick up" that "he" was a she,though. Heheh. Fortunately, I had not engaged hisprofessional services and was not out any money for our littleconversation.