Well-Known Member
My buns occasionally sratch themselves.
It's usually because I need to clip their back nails. That's always thefirst thing I check after attend to the wound. I also check everythingin their cage to see it it might have been something in there. Binkiekept getting small scrathes on her loppy ears from a small sharp edgein the door to her cage.
I have a small cordless razor, in our bunnie first aid kit, in case wehave to shave any fur away from the wound.We useNeosporin/Pain Relief ointment. I also keep some saline solution, gauzepads, and adhesive tapein the kit just in case.
:~) Jim
It's usually because I need to clip their back nails. That's always thefirst thing I check after attend to the wound. I also check everythingin their cage to see it it might have been something in there. Binkiekept getting small scrathes on her loppy ears from a small sharp edgein the door to her cage.
I have a small cordless razor, in our bunnie first aid kit, in case wehave to shave any fur away from the wound.We useNeosporin/Pain Relief ointment. I also keep some saline solution, gauzepads, and adhesive tapein the kit just in case.
:~) Jim