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My buns occasionally sratch themselves.

It's usually because I need to clip their back nails. That's always thefirst thing I check after attend to the wound. I also check everythingin their cage to see it it might have been something in there. Binkiekept getting small scrathes on her loppy ears from a small sharp edgein the door to her cage.

I have a small cordless razor, in our bunnie first aid kit, in case wehave to shave any fur away from the wound.We useNeosporin/Pain Relief ointment. I also keep some saline solution, gauzepads, and adhesive tapein the kit just in case.

:~) Jim
Yeah, looks like I'm going to invest in a smallshaver of some sort...but I'll feel better after having doc take alook. I feel so bad cuz I think its been there a fewdays....and I missed it....I felt something the nitebeforebut he was wiggly and wouldn't let me look.So I think he just reopened it. He's eating well, but seemsalmost depressed...its tearing me up.....hopefully I'll feel betterafter he sees the doc this afternoon. He and Homer weremaking a TON of noise one nite in their cage and I'm wondering if ithappened then....

I'm gonna be torn up if he doesn't make it thru this...and beyondfurious with myself. Eating still is a good sign tho, right?
PuterGeekGirl wrote:
Yeah, looks like I'm going to invest in a small shaver ofsome sort...but I'll feel better after having doc take alook. I feel so bad cuz I think its been there a fewdays....and I missed it....I felt something the nitebeforebut he was wiggly and wouldn't let me look.So I think he just reopened it. He's eating well, but seemsalmost depressed...its tearing me up.....hopefully I'll feel betterafter he sees the doc this afternoon. He and Homer weremaking a TON of noise one nite in their cage and I'm wondering if ithappened then....

I'm gonna be torn up if he doesn't make it thru this...and beyondfurious with myself. Eating still is a good sign tho, right?
It doesn't sound like he's hurt enough or stressed enough to be in danger.

He may even be picking up on how you are feeling.

If you have Nutri-cal you could give him some to help boost his system.

If it's a small wound that he just reopened he should be fine. You'llwant to make sure it stays clean to prevent infection, though.
Wound is actually quite a bit larger thanthought....a lil bigger than the size of a quarter. He's gotinfection and bacteria and swelling clear up under his underside and upunder his lil front armpit. Doc shaved it, said to putneosporin on it and gave me an antibiotic. He was running afever and has lost a lil weight. Doc says he'll be ok, Icaught it in time and most people woulda brought him in Tuesday when itwas seeping and draining...told him I'm beating myself up overthis...he said with all that fur its hard to catch that stuff, butkeeping in tune with how they are acting like I did is the best way toknow. I still feel awful.... :( :( Corkywill get lots of extra snuggles this weekend...even tho the lil fartpeed on me when I was taking him in! :eek:

Thanks everyone for your ideas and I just hope he'll be ok!

I'm glad the liitle guy is doing ok.

And I'm glad you took him to the vet, too!!

Give him hugs and kisses from us!!

Keep us updated, too!!!

~Jim & crew
Thanks Jim...Hubby is gonna stop and get the Nutri-Cal on the way home to give him an extra boost too.

I really value the opinions/advice here. Thanks again!
Now he won't eat, won't even take a craisin, I'm a mess... Called doc and he said bring him back now fora cortizone shot..could be fever pain and that will help with that andalso boost his appetite. But needed done by injection...hubby just tookhim back as I have to wait for my son to get home. Man, I'mso scared....
He's gonna be ok. The vet knows what to do andeverything is gonna be fine. Keep telling yourself that too. So he willknow you are positive. I know its hard, but you gotta try for Corky.

Hubby took him in and he got a cortizone andshot of valium. Valium is to get him to eat, and cortizone isfor the swelling and pain. He could hardly move when he gothome from the valium, but he's picking up his head now. Gothim to take a couple cc's of water but hasn't eaten yet.

On a good note, only a couple hours later after the first vet visithis temp was down already and so was the swelling.

If he's still not eating in the morning he has to go back.Whats awesome is doc didn't even charge us anything for the shots and2nd visit....Great guy!
My bun got a splinter after I'd only had him fora few months. I was beside myself!! I got on the phone real quick (notto vet lol, I'm not that crazy) and I was like "oh my god oh my god,Calvin has a splinter!!! On the other end of the phone all I heard was"AND???" haha

I wish you and your bunny the best!!!
I'd be beside myself with happiness right now ifit were something that simple...he's really gone downhill quick...vetstill thinks he'll be ok tho. He's going in a special cagebeside my bed tonite so I can see if he's eaten and keep an easier eyeon him thru out the nite.

:( :( I'm still bursting into tears periodically.... :( :(

Oh sweetie, I'm sorry! I guess I didn't read thesecond page of posts - your update about the shots etc. I'm so so sorrythat your bunny's sick. In the begining of March Calvin developed a jawabscess. After multiple doses of antibiotics and surgery he finally gotback to normal in April. So I know exactly how you feel! I criedconstantly and was sick with worry that whole month. Jaw abscess inbunnies often return but he's got those beads inside his cheek and sofar so good.

Calvin, Jordan (other bun), and I will say a prayer for him.
I'm trying not to be such a basket case, but itsso hard...this lil guy snuck up on me and got me more attached than Iever realized!! Thanks for the kind words and prayers....he'll beclosely monitored tonite, even if it means nite #2 of lil to no sleep!(thankfully its the weekend!)

Good luck with the absess staying away!
PGG, as bad as it seems right now, I'm sureCorky will heal. You're taking such good care of him and I'm sure herealizes this. Animals always do, and they heal faster because of it.
Well, its been a LONG nite...I was up most of itjust watching him, worrying, and crying.....Today he's ate a lilparsley!!! No where near what he normally would but its a start!!! Thevet called me right at 8 asking how he is....told me a few more thingsto get him to take some more fluids, I hadn't seen him drink so he'sbeen getting that via the same syringe his meds are thru....doc saidgood idea on my part, we gotta keep him hydrated. He's alsoate a lil apple. Said get him eating anything we can at thispoint to keep his system going. He's also been cleaninghimself a bit...I take it as a positive that he wants to still beclean. He seems more alert and with it than he was lastnite....even investigated some new things in his playpen when I put himin there for a few!

I don't think we're totally out of the woods yet, and I'm keeping a real close eye on him..but he's better than last nite!
PGG I am so sorry about all that has happened.It sounds as if Corky is starting to feel a bit better - ishe pooingand peeing OK? Don't beat yourself up over this, you did well to act asquick as you did. Fur can often hide a multitude of things, Keeping youand Corky in my prayers - Jan
Good luck, I hope everything has gotten better.I am really sorry and could not imagine what you are going through. Iwish we could be there for you to give you a giant hug and tell youeverything will be perfectly fine.
LuvaBun wrote:
PGG I am so sorry about all that has happened. It sounds asif Corky is starting to feel a bit better - ishe pooing and peeing OK?Don't beat yourself up over this, you did well to act as quick as youdid. Fur can often hide a multitude of things, Keeping you and Corky inmy prayers - Jan

He wasn't...but thats all starting to move now. The meds aremakin his poop not real normal but vet has me giving yogurt in smallamounts to help with that. He's holding his own and I'm hopeful....still worried, but hopeful! I may actually getsome sleep tonite!

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