Help with names!!!

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Tammy B

Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2014
Reaction score
Nova Scotia
Hi Everybody...

My name is Tammy and i am from Nova Scotia.
I have 2 bunnies a male and a female.I am having a hard time naming these guys and would like to request your help in any suggestions you may have.To help you out i will tell you a little bit about them.

The male is extemely bright and friendly.You can't walk by his cage without him constantly wanting attention lol.He is a very happy and excited lil guy.He'sut 5 months old.

The female is a lil more layed back and she is much older not sure of her age.
She likes to just laz around and not do too much but is also very friendly.

These buns i recently rescued from a very bad home and horriable living conditions.The female i believe also is pregnant.She was in with 3 males including the lil guy that i have.(they are seperated now)

I look forward to seeing if anyone else has any ideas for the prefect names for these 2.

First pic MALE...........Second pic FEMALE


Oh my goodness! They are adorable! Im so glad you have adopted them & have given them a good home!

I dont have any name suggestions for you, as I like to wait a bit to see their true personalities.

Any idea of what your going to do with the babies?
Keep them lol.
I live in the country here and have fields surrounding me that i can harvest my own hay for them..Mostly a mix of grass..alphpha and clover with timothy.
The male has a very hyper personality.the female maybe it's cause she's pregnant is a lil more layed back.She started nesting today so i'm not sure how much longer it'll be before she has them as i don't know when she was bred.She hasn't started the hair pulling yet but she's making a nest...I am so excited :clapping:
I am always thinking of names in case I ever get another bunny. Today I thought of Zoom. It would be good for a hyper rabbit who runs around a lot. I also like the names Bailey, Winston, Meadow, and Penny.

From the pictures I thought of Scotchy and Muffin for your rabbits.
Scotchy and Muffin...hmmmm interesting i'll keep those on the list as well as your other names :)
Thank you for the suggestions
Okay, Saturday is kids day here with cartoons & kids movies. One of the old cartoons is bunny related with Bugs Bunny & his girl bunny friend, Babs Bunny! I think I have that correct! Very cute cartoon, i haven't sat down & watched in ages but the whole family enjoyed them. Will think on more name ideas, in the meantime I'm sure your two new bunny members will be happy to help you find the right names for them with their personality & antics!
Maybe Chickadee, Periwinkle,Molasses or JukeBox. Those were the 4 names I chose from. I picked JukeBox:)

Good Luck!
Hi Everybody...I have come on to post that we have decided on names for these 2 lil rescues.
Stewie is the males name and Meadow is the females name.I love these guys so much already and i haven't had them a month yet :).
I can't wait to see Meadows litter and hopefully be here when she gives birth as we are very close already her and i.
Not sure if Stewie is the father but the potiental is there as he and 2 other males were in with her.But i'm sure he'll be fine taking on the role in any case.They get along great with my cat Gizmo and she has to check on them frequently as well to make sure their ok it makes me laugh at her as she's playing the big sister role or something it's weird...In any case wanted to keep everyone updated on the name game.

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