Dear Fellow bunniy lovers,
Hi I am from rural NSW Australia, and I just lost my bunnies to Myxi as there is no vaccine available in our country.
My yard is fenced, my cages screened, yet they still were infected, and even though I battled with my bunnies to fight the disease, Myxi was clearly winning, so with a heavy heart, I had them put to sleep.
I am posting this to ask you all for your support please. I have started an online petition at to get help to make my Government change our laws and make the vaccine available to domestic rabbit owners.
Please go to the site, there is more information there about the disease if you are lucky enough to never have encountered it.
If you would like more information, please let me know.
Please sign up and show your support for our bunnies health, safelty and longevity.
The link is
Sincere thanks for your help, I really appreciate itand bless you all.
Hi I am from rural NSW Australia, and I just lost my bunnies to Myxi as there is no vaccine available in our country.
My yard is fenced, my cages screened, yet they still were infected, and even though I battled with my bunnies to fight the disease, Myxi was clearly winning, so with a heavy heart, I had them put to sleep.
I am posting this to ask you all for your support please. I have started an online petition at to get help to make my Government change our laws and make the vaccine available to domestic rabbit owners.
Please go to the site, there is more information there about the disease if you are lucky enough to never have encountered it.
If you would like more information, please let me know.
Please sign up and show your support for our bunnies health, safelty and longevity.
The link is
Sincere thanks for your help, I really appreciate itand bless you all.