You can get Vet referrals at or The best that I know of are in Glendale & Pasadena - don't know of any closer to you. I have had 3 bunnies go through similar situations that Charlie is experiencing and with the 1st 2 Baytril did the trick and within 2 weeks all was well. Ozzie Osbun is now 9 (he got sick 7 years ago) and Sexy Rexy just passed at the ripe age of 12 (he got sick about 6 years ago). Willow was a lot trickier - it took about 6-8 weeks before she improved and it was a bit of a roller coaster. Baytril brought relief quickly but did not last, a 2nd antibiotic seemed to help a little but it wasn't until she was given Panacur that any real improvement was made. She has permanent head tilt but is her happy self again so hang in there. Keeping food & water in your bun is paramount in my experience and I think that the Meclizine (for the vertigo - the cause of the rapid eye movement) is important to his comfort but I don't think he is in any pain - extreme discomfort yes because of the dizziness but I don't think pain. That was always my biggest concern with Willow - I would fight for her as long as I saw no evidence that she was in pain. She had no teeth grinding - no grumbling belly sounds - just a very disoriented bunny. Oxbow critical care is great - plenty of fresh greens that I left wetter than usual since Willow didn't seem too interested in water until I discovered the pedialyte powder that flavors it - then the only problem was keeping the bowl filled and the litter changed. Best wishes to you and Charlie - sounds like you caught it early which is a plus and while rabbit savvy Vets are hard to come by you have a great resource in this forum. I have a Vet that used to show rabbits so I thought that meant he knew a lot about them but that was not exactly the case. He was however willing to listen to my suggestions and to even go online himself to confirm the information that I provided and to give me what I needed to get my bun better.