Madison Martin
yes the vet did check her eyes and checked her breathing but the vet that I went to did not give me a diagnosis for what’s wrong really.
Your rabbit is in serious pain and may be having seizures bunnies can get fatally ill very quick vet asapShe is a 3 years old rabbit and is pooping in small amounts. She is litter trained but since a few days ago stopped using the litter box. she shakes/vibrates from her head down to her front paws. She eats a tiny amount and drank a little bit of water than she freaks out and her head started to shake I heard her stomach growl and she grits her teeth. I’m hearing a weird breath out every now and then and she is in a loafing position right now. Plz help I don’t know what to do!
If you read the rest of the thread you will see that the bunny passed away.Your rabbit is in serious pain and may be having seizures bunnies can get fatally ill very quick vet asap