I had one of my bunnies, Milly, in her pen last night, and I fell asleep before I put her back in her cage. When I woke up about 3 hours later, I found she had jumped over her pen, and some how found some of an old cosmic brownie my sister must of left on the floor??? (Its got to be atleast a couple months old) I caught her before she finished it, but she must of eaten about half of it already. My first instinct was to give her simethicone incase she starts getting gas. I'm not sure if that was the best idea or not...she just flopped as I'm writing this, but I don't know, I'm really worried about her as she has an especially sensitive stomach. On the other hand though, I'm suppose to get on the bus and go to school in two hours! Help! What should I do!? Lots of water? Lots of hay?