HELP!! My bunny stole my heart and wont give it back!!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2018
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As i write this the thief is buried into my arm, licking my sleeve.
Some of you may remember the flemish giant my boyfriend and I rescued earlier this year, Mrs. Brown. She is the most unfathomably sweet, wonderful rabbit i have ever met. She's recently started jumping up on the bed on her own again and has discovered that it's the best place to cuddle and take a nap.
Im crying though, guys- oh my god, she's so sweet I have to show you guys




How many bunnies would you trust with their face this close to essential cords?



Help me, she is too good for me, i don't deserve her! I have to get up and be somewhere in half an hour but how can i move when she's so comfortably snuggled up with me?? How do I go on like this????
Oh bless what a sweetheart! You certainly got lucky with her, nothing better than a snuggly bunny!
We had a Checkered Giant that was a cuddle bunny on the couch and would lay on our back or belly if we stretched out on the floor--they do steal your heart away and she was so sweet we never could figure out how someone could be so stupid and unfeeling to just "dump" her out.
OMG! I'm in love with her now too. Thanks for the pics. My Khaleesi is not a snuggly bunny (yet). Note to self: next time, a Flemish Giant!
We had a Checkered Giant that was a cuddle bunny on the couch and would lay on our back or belly if we stretched out on the floor--they do steal your heart away and she was so sweet we never could figure out how someone could be so stupid and unfeeling to just "dump" her out.

Maybe they didn't just "dump" her. Maybe whomever surrendered her agonized over it. I've never surrendered an animal to someone before, but I imagine that those who cared really agonize over it and those who don't care...I'm grateful they made the decision to do it so the animal could go to a home that has someone who does care.

When I hear of strays on the street, I wonder if they were really released unfeelingly or if they somehow got out of the house and ran and couldn't find their way back. I like to think that the latter is truer in most cases. I hope it is and I will leave it there :)

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