Help! Male got in with female

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Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2022
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I woke up to find my male rabbit somehow escaped his pen and has been with my female overnight. Is there any way to tell if they've mated? They're just under 4 months old. I have no idea how he got out, there's no sign of damage.
I woke up to find my male rabbit somehow escaped his pen and has been with my female overnight. Is there any way to tell if they've mated? They're just under 4 months old. I have no idea how he got out, there's no sign of damage.
I'm moving him into my hallway which is not ideal but it has to be done. They're going to the vet tomorrow to be examined before booking a date for their operations, I'm just really worried that he's gotten the female pregnant. The internet seems to suggest the females are generally sexually mature from 5-6 months, but I've seen it suggested that they can get pregnant from 3 months old so I just don't know. They're both lionhead mixes, but Maple looks like she'll be on the larger side whereas Ash is smaller.
Well, not exactly, - 6 months is the earliest considered a good time to start breeding intentionally, but the youngest of my rabbits that accidentially got pregnant was 14 weeks, they are about 10lbs grown up - smaller breeds can mature earlier. It's not a sure thing at that age, but better act on the assumption that she's pregnant. No way to tell for sure other than to wait somewhat over a month (and prepare a plan for what to do with all the rabbits)

Anyway, it doesn't matter much if they get neutered anyway, just have it done really soon. Tell the vet about it.
Well, not exactly, - 6 months is the earliest considered a good time to start breeding intentionally, but the youngest of my rabbits that accidentially got pregnant was 14 weeks, they are about 10lbs grown up - smaller breeds can mature earlier. It's not a sure thing at that age, but better act on the assumption that she's pregnant. No way to tell for sure other than to wait somewhat over a month (and prepare a plan for what to do with all the rabbits)

Anyway, it doesn't matter much if they get neutered anyway, just have it done really soon. Tell the vet about it.
Oh no 😩 if the date I was given is correct then they're 15 weeks old, Maple is around 1.2kg (2.6lbs?) right now. Can they spay pregnant rabbits? It's only been a day so I guess it would be like a really early abortion if she is pregnant? I'll feel horrendous if she is, I got them from a shelter I volunteer at and they've got too many rabbits to look after them properly. It's heartbreaking 😔 their sister and their mum are still there
No point in feeling bad about it now, it happens to many with intact rabbits. They are awfully determined creatures.
It's imho called an emergency spay, and it's better than having more rabbits than one can handle.
No point in feeling bad about it now, it happens to many with intact rabbits. They are awfully determined creatures.
It's imho called an emergency spay, and it's better than having more rabbits than one can handle.
Okay, thank you. I'll see what the vet says today, I'm lucky it happened when I already had an appointment booked in. If it's safe for her I'll absolutely do it, I don't want her to go through pregnancy either.
Update: I took them to the vets and Maple had an emergency spay. She's been home a couple of hours and has already eaten some kale ☺️ she refuses critical care though, so I might end up mashing some of her usual food in warm water instead. Maple was actually 1.7kg, Ash needs to put on another kg before he can be neutered - he's tiny! He's only 0.9kg 🥹
I woke up to find my male rabbit somehow escaped his pen and has been with my female overnight. Is there any way to tell if they've mated? They're just under 4 months old. I have no idea how he got out, there's no sign of damage.
Well we cant change if they did mate so dont stress it. If the vet says she's pregnant and she gives birth, keep the male away from the babies and keep her in a place she feels safe and secure. Years ago we had a female given to us while secretly pregnant, and she had a history of eatting her previous litters/pups because of stress induced by the males in the next pen. When she gave birth to her last litter, while in our care, we separated her from the other rabbits and gave her everything she needed to keep her calm, and most of her babies survived. I think only 1 didn't make it out of 7-8 pups.
Well we cant change if they did mate so dont stress it. If the vet says she's pregnant and she gives birth, keep the male away from the babies and keep her in a place she feels safe and secure. Years ago we had a female given to us while secretly pregnant, and she had a history of eatting her previous litters/pups because of stress induced by the males in the next pen. When she gave birth to her last litter, while in our care, we separated her from the other rabbits and gave her everything she needed to keep her calm, and most of her babies survived. I think only 1 didn't make it out of 7-8 pups.
Thanks for your reply, luckily I was able to get her an emergency spay and she's recovering well (despite having pulled her stitches out twice and attempting a third time.... little monster!). Here she is, thrilled with her anti-ripping-her-wound-open outfit!

P.S. she wasn't ripping the stitches out from pain, after the first time her pain meds got upped but I watched her and she would come across the wound while grooming herself and realise it felt weird!
Thanks for your reply, luckily I was able to get her an emergency spay and she's recovering well (despite having pulled her stitches out twice and attempting a third time.... little monster!). Here she is, thrilled with her anti-ripping-her-wound-open outfit!

P.S. she wasn't ripping the stitches out from pain, after the first time her pain meds got upped but I watched her and she would come across the wound while grooming herself and realise it felt weird!
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Awe she's precious! Hope she heals quickly and without ripping out anymore stitches! 🙏

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