If she isn't about to do so, yes, I would think she gave birth. Normally I can see traces of blood for quite some time on a white rabbit that gave birth, but their cleaning habbits differ.
I had litters in tunnels happen, I do not let them stay there, because of predators, checking and socialising. Moving the nest isn't without issues, but can be done. For now I would try to not stress her, either wait 1-2 days while giving her access to the tunnel 24/7, or move the nest right away. If you do I would try to not be anywhere near the nest close to dusk or dawn to not interfere with feeding, it can be quite some work to dig up a nest savely (I had others that were just at arm's lenght and I could just reach in)
If it's save where it is and you decide to keep it in that place you'll start to see pretty shy kits in 3-4 weeks, which will need more effort to get them used to being handled.