Help bunbun is not well!!!!!!

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hi there

my prayers go out to u and the family

i couldnt hardley sleep last night

thinking of him

we are such a close community and we all love our rabbits

god bless

if u go to google and type in the word


Presence of E. cuniculi (a protozoan parasite)would not have been detected in the stool sample. Antibodiesagainst E. cuniculi are detected in a blood titer. The testonly indicates that the animal has been exposed, but does notnecessarily mean that the animal is currentlyinfected. The blood samples are normally sent outto a lab with an additional sample being sent 2 weeks later.

Urine tests may sometimes be used to detect E. cuniculi but have not been found to be very accurate.

I also question why the vet would advise ananthelmintic when the rabbit is not drinking or voiding, so is not ableto flush toxins out of its system.

Oh no!!! I am so so SOOO sorry. That is so sad. Lotsa hugs being sent your way.
OH MY GOODNESS! I AM SOO SORRY! I knowhow it feels to loose a friend...I can't tell you how sorry iam:(I'm sure Bunbun is in peace now tho...that is the goodthing...I also have a question to ask you...did you buy your rabbitfrom a pet store? I once bought a rabbit from a pet store before andthe rabbit diedafter theday I bought therabbit...and then i remember buying another one, and I had him forabout2 months and he died:XI find rabbits in petstores to be VERY unhealthy:(I don't know what they do tothem...but there always so sick. If you did buy your rabbit from a petstore..PLEASE try dealing with a breeder...there much better. I am soosorry...but please don't blame yourself for this, rabbits are VERYdelictate and unpredictable animals...and sometimes we can't help whathappens to them unless its REALLY serious. I will keep you and Bunbunin my prayers and thoughts.

God Bless.

Oh luna... I am so sorry to hear about thepassing of Bunbun... I am in tears myself. had to take atimeout so the boys I work with wouldnt see me upset.

What a hard ordeal to have to go through, but know that we at the forumare all with you and will offer you whatever support youneed.

My prayers and thoughts are with you through this difficult time.


Oh Luna!Sweetheart....You tried to do all the right things. I'm so sorry. Weare all thinking of you. I'm so sorry. So very sorry.

I'm so sorry for your loss.When I lostmy bunny I cried for a long time. Crying seems to help relieve some ofthe pain so don't feel bad about crying. I'll be praying for you. Justremember she loved you very much.


Oh Honey! :(

I'm so incredibly sorry! I don't know what to say.

You certainly did everything you could by getting her to the vet.

Oh Luna21, my heart cries for you tonight.


im so sorry

god bless and my prayers are with you both

just to let u no we are hear for u
I have two rabbits from two different pet store. Both are fine, I have had one three years and the other two years.

Mysister and co-workerscannotbelieve how attached I am to my rabbits, they are like children to meand my friends. They never thought I would havepets. I was pretty upset when Bunny got spayed and they founda cancerous tumor in her uterus. Luckily it had not spread.


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