Help bunbun is not well!!!!!!

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THey didn't even offer to take radiographs? Ourthoughts are with you. some vet's don't have an ultrasound machine atthe office some have a traveling dr who comes in so depending onyourclinic size and what they have... Sorry they haven't donemore for you we will keep you in our thoughts
Luna, I am so sorry to read about Bunbunstrouble. I really will be hoping that it resolves itself soon. Waitingis the hardest thing to do when it is waiting for a loved ones healthto improve, I am sorry for you and Bunbun.

Fergi's mom
Luna....I'm so sorry bunbun is sick. I will be praying for a speedy recovery!!

Just a though from reading this thread.

I would hope that many young people reading this thread would possiblyturn their love for their bunnies into considering a veterinary careerwith a more bunny savvy study. It's amazing how many vets there arehere in the Pittsburgh area, but few really can do anything forrabbits. And some of the ones that do charge an arm and a leg for theirservices because they know they can get away with it because they arethe only game in town.

One vet in town charges $300 to spay a bunny. Thank God I found onethat is much more affordable(and highly recommended by othervets)that will be spaying Steffie in January.
For what it's worth, our Missy ate foam rubber,stopped eating, and was successfully operated upon to remove the masswithin her stomach. My point is, that they can survive such acritical operation.

Having said that, we had the services of an Emergency Pet Hospital withover 25 veterinarians on staff and the utmost of moderntechnology. Most specialties were covered and thosevets who did surgery, only did surgery, hence they are very well versedin most procedures. Ir was an expensive proposition, butafter all was said and done, the cost came in under initialestimates. I've never had that happen before, for anything.

The name/address of the hospital is Garden State VeterinarySpecialists, one Pine Street, Tinton Falls, NJ 07753, 732-922-0011,Fax: 732-922-0991,

They work on animals by referral only and one needs a veterinarian'sreferral, however, contact with them might elicit information regardingknowledgeable and experienced vets in your area. Theirwebsite says emergency cases don't need an appointment, though.

House Rabbit Society also maintains list of knowledgeable rabbitveterinarians throughout the country. Link to that sourceat:

My heart goes out to you. I understand the stress andconcern. An x-ray should be able to tell if thereis a mass within the stomach, at least confirming what the problem is.

Good luck and prayers to you and the bun from here.

So sorry, I just realized you are located in Canada and none of this information is pertinent to you.

Prayers and luck still directed your way from here.


Her condition seems to be remaining the same, shehas pooped and peed alittle bit, but she's not eating or drinking !!!Im starting to think that this is viral !! Im going back to the vet'stoday! I will let you guys know!!
Have you tried giving her any treats? I hope she pulls through.
I just came back from the vet's, bunbun's beenlitteraly tortured she had bloodwork done and we were sent home withsome antibiotics called Oxibendazole!! She fought me when I tried togive her anything but im still trying to get something in her!! Hercondition isn't any different but I was told she should improve on thismedication and if not to return for further testing!! I will keepeveryone updated on her condition!! thankyou for all you're prayers andconcerns !!
Will continue to pray.

Get that medicine in her no matter how much she fights. Have someone help you if you can't manage it alone.

How often do you have to give her the meds?

Oxibendazole is a broad-spectrum anthelmintic(dewormer/anti-parasitic), not an antibiotic. The tests mayhave revealed parasites or bloodwork may have indicated E.cuniculi. That doesn't address the actual problem though:( They really need to find out if there is a physicalblockage due to the carpet, viral/bacterial pathogen slowing the gutdown or some othermore serious health issue.

the vet said that it was E. cuniculi! He said itwas parisites and not a blockage but he won't even bother to x-ray orultrasound her belly!:(He took stool samples too! I reallyhope she makes it through this, I can't believe this vet!
So the stool sample confirmed the parasite? Do all you can to find out what to do to help her through.

How old is she?

Prayers going your way for your bunny!
Yes the stool sample confirmed the parasites andshe also had some blood work done! She's 11 months old! She's beendrinking the little sips i give her from the syringe! she's still noteating, I got my mom to help me give her some medication she foughttooth and nail to get away from me:(I will post updates

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