Help...Broken leg!

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Sorry that he had bad day
I was talking about the one the died. He has been doing good. He is now fighting me when i give his meds, which is what i expect form him. Still pushing everyone out of the way to get to food and hay, and drinking water like normal. The only thing he is not doing is getting out of the cage. I havent let any of them out for a week now, it just doesnt seem fair.

Plus they might have mites. I am treating it but i was affraid to give them the treatment this week because of his meds. Do you think there will be a reaction? I am using Ivomec, topically applied.
Heres' a picture of his leg after surgery.

(He's camera shy)
Its doing pretty good. The surgery was to put pins in the bone to help the loose peice stay in place to heal. It looks like i was trying to eat his leg though.
dnt listen to them whenever u ask someone or some expert they always say vet vet vet vet vet, but u soon will learn vets dnt knw sh*t abt bunnies. my dwarf lop 4months old broke her hind leg after a nasty fall, i took her to vet they charge me 60pounds for a stupid injection, then wanted to charge overnight fee 45 then 200 for xray minimal 2 xrays required then possibly 500-2k for a operation or cast dumb twats i gave them 60pounds for injection as charity, i took my bunny home stick her in a very small cage/box fed her nothign for the highest quality hay alfalfa hay and clean water everyday, 3 weeks later she is hoping like nothing happen the leg still sticks out slightly but she can stand again both leg and self groom even can do binkies, u need to understand these animals are wild they are actually more resilient then we think, the only time u sud be worried is if a bunny stops eating and pooing diarrhoea.
I don't think it's very smart to think all vets are bad.
Sometimes, yes, Rabbits can heal on their own, but not in every circumstance or every type of injury. Also you would not be able to get pain meds without a veterinarian and how would you like no pain relief when you break your leg? It wouldn't be fun.

There's always good and bad vets, that's why it's important to search around and make sure they know what they're talking about.
MiserySmith wrote:
I don't think it's very smart to think all vets are bad.
Sometimes, yes, Rabbits can heal on their own, but not in every circumstance or every type of injury. Also you would not be able to get pain meds without a veterinarian and how would you like no pain relief when you break your leg? It wouldn't be fun.

There's always good and bad vets, that's why it's important to search around and make sure they know what they're talking about.

This is true!


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