Help!!! 2 neutered males had a fight !!!

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Hi Carolyn and Lissa...Joey ate alot of veggies today and his poops look normal. I think that he's made it. Now I have my mind on the shelter bunnies.
angieluv wrote:
Hi Carolyn and Lissa...Joey ate alot of veggies today andhispoops look normal. I think that he's made it.

Hot DOG!!!


Hi, I have watched this thread but notcommented much as I have just goe through a similar thing recently andit's still very upsetting. Our Roger passed away after a fight withAmber and it wasn't until the next day that we discovered Amber hadsores all on her neck and head and back from the fight. She isrecovered now but there are still a couple of scabs from the sores.

Keep an eye on your buns (as I know you will do) watch and feel for anysore spots, feeling their bodies is the best way to tell if there areany sores as by now there should be some scabs forming. The best adviceI can give is stay vigilant, check your bunny daily and keep an eye onthose poops and eating and drinking habits as well.

I hope all works out for you.
Great advice, Ariel. Everyone would be wise to take it.

I know you're still in deep pain over losing Roger. She was such a good baby girl. :tears2:

After reading all this I think that I will take Joey to a vet within the next couple days even if he looks fine as Ariel you jusr scared the .... out of me.
Ok Angie, not to scare you further, but here's astory of what I went thru due to a fight that I didn't know happenedand the result of a bite wound I was unaware of....

Go to www.corkyscave.netenter the site and choose corky's story....for some reason the link wasposting wanky..let me know if you have trouble!
angieluv wrote:
After reading all this I think that I willtake Joey to a vetwithin the next couple days even if he looks fine as Ariel you jusrscared the .... out of me.

Didn't mean to scare you, just wanted to let you know to keep aware ofyour bunnies habits and feel their body for any wounds, we thoughtAmber had no wounds, it wasn't until we really felt through her bodythat we discovered she didn't come out of the fight unscathed as wefirst thought.

To have one bunny die and another left with so many sores we now knowit wasn't just the one fight they had and they were nasty fights. Thefight I did see was horrible, it was very scary watching 2 bunnies whoI care about scratching, kicking and biting going round and around incircles at each other, fur was circling above them in the air and itwas one of the scariest thing I have seen with animals.

I thought thta Amber came away fine like I said, until we felt through,just looking sometimes is not enough, you have to get in their fur andfeel through it.

It'd be wise to take Joey just for a check up.

Carolyn, I miss Roger so much, unfortunately such is life, but I am well aware now of how dangerous fighting can be.

Putergeekgirl, I have read Corkys story before and I have totell you , I cried and smiled at different times through his story, Ithink it's great you have it all down in black and white for others toread and learn from.
You people are G.. D... SMART!! I went over Peewee last night as Joey has been the focus of everything. I found two scabs which I examined very well on his face and one near his belly on the right side. They both look like they are healing with NO sign of infection but I cleaned them anyway. I called Lissa's vet who said that if Joey is eating just veggies and no hay maybe I should consider giving him Critical care (I have it at home) Joey is probably eating less hay because I am giving himso many veggies that he is full. I saw him eat hay today. I am sure that Joey has no bites as I have felt him a lot.
I had a feeling that would happen.There usually is some kind of mark on them when you see that much furin the cage. The Critical Care/NutriCal is a good idea, nodoubt.

Thanks for the update.

Thanks was very hard for me to writeand relive...horrible time for me..I'm just thankful it turned out likeit did...I'm so sorry the same didn't happen for Roger.. :( Thanks fortaking the time to read it..I know its long, but if it helps even oneperson not give up on their bunny and helps save a was worthevery tear I went thru when I wrote it.. :)
PuterGeekGirl, as I was reading throughI not once thought about how hard it must of been for you to write allof this down, it wasn't until I reached the end that I then thought"wowthat would of been hard enough going through once let alone re livingit again" I am very grateful that you did do it though, sure helped mewith a few things I didnt think or know of.

Thanks Carolyn.:) Putergeek girl I did read Corky's story all the way through..thanks and thank you also to Ariel. I never had a rabbit fight before believe it or not! I took 3 shelter rabbbits to Petco today for several hours to give them more exposure to the public. Its snowing here and there weren't many people there. I I only take the most mellow rabbits as this could only be a stressor to them. Lissa and I are in La CrosseWi. and are desperate to get these little sweet hearts adopted. When that room gets full you know what happens :(and when it happens it reallyrips my heart out and I mean I really feel baaad :(:(:(and sadder than you can imagine and really angry at the shelter, although I really should be angry at the people that abandon their buns.
I have followed this postfor a while now , refraining from adding my 2 centsin because knowing there were others onthe boardwho went through horrific fights and through some horrificends to keep their rabbits aliveafter such a fight .

Angie : First I have to appologiseforsnapping aboutrabbits being together when It is known they can beaggressive It may have been unfair to snap soquickly , Although Having 2 issues with the samebasic scenario in the same weekwas enough to illicit such a response . I must give youexcellent credit for Listening and Notcriticising and think you knew more thanthe Ones who just went through such anordeal

Many, before You came here have had similar issues , Andwould rather get argumentative , tell the Personthey dont know what they are talking about , orjust blow off the advice given . then sit andboohoo about a hidden infection they didnt botherto look for . If this strikesanyone close to home , too bad its therein the threads from previousposts .

With Fights , most times itdoesnt work out as well as we would likeit to . As was the Case of Ariels Rabbit.Some people get very lucky and no infections come from it ,Corky was not so lucky . What Puter Geek Girl went through ,and trust me all of us went through itwith her , It was sheer torture , more for Her andCorky, I would litterally hold my breath when I would see herupdate Corkys thread . I was terrified toopen it and see what I knew wasinevitable . I Value PGG's Experience and have learnedmuch from what she posted , Iwould hope others also willlisten and heed the warnings .

I agree with you on shelters and being formerrescue I doubly agree , It isntfair, it isnt right that animals be put downbecause of dump offs , but they are a fact of life, and You have to also remembersomeAnimals are given up due to healthproblems of the owners , devistation in some partof the owners life , We can notlump all owners into one group , there is alwaysexceptions for ever case . It would be unfair tothose who sometimes have no choice . For thosefew They are totally devistated know whatfate lays ahead for their beloved pet .

Cases if blatent abuse , neglect , collectors , bad breeders,and the totally cruelcan all be an annoying occurance anddevistating to the animals in question .I have been on a few of those cleanupsand they are no fun , they are gutwrenching , heart breaking and the urgeto beat some sense into an owner isstrong , sometimes too strong to over come , Thatswhen I walk away and let those who donthavemy temperfinish up .

All I can say is knowYOUR limits , know howmuch you can handle Before youfind yourself slapped with a fine anddamages because you got to a point whereyou couldnt control your actions . AndYes I speak from experience .
Hi Gypsy..I only felt sort of bad because I had Peewee and Joey in separate areas and one of them worked the fasteners loose (I blame myself for that) and got together. I would never let rabbits run together unless I was absolutely positively sure that they liked each other. Anyway I didn't argue or protest because Ididn't know any thing about rabbit fights until this happened. I am happy to learn everything I can about everyhting to do with rabbits So thanks for the post My rabbits are both neutered . Do you think that maybe it made the fight less horrific?
Maureen you're doing a great job with yourrabbits at home and the rabbits at the shelter. I don't knowhow you do it. Can't wait to see themsomeday. :)
Lissa ....I just sent you an e-mail that I sent to Heather. Read it. Lissa I used to work full-time when I was Nursing in Chicago. I didn't have any time for anything else. If I was working I couldn't do any of this and if you weren't working you could do it easily. Its like a part-time job.
Do you think that maybe it made the fight less horrific?

Yes and No , not a simole answer.

most rabbit fights are for territory , Altered orUnAltered , If one doesnt like , or feels anotheris invading their space there is going tobe a fight , It more depends on which is more submissive , Ifone is more submissive then the chance of less injuryis higher , If Both are equally agressive wellthen its generally a fight tothe end . Be thankfull one was moresubmissive than the other , Its most likely what savedhis life.

I have watched , not by choice , 2 bucks fight , itisnt pretty, they even will take a break, regain strength and start again , The worst fightI have ever had to witness was between 2 Doe's , They Neither give in ,nor give up , they do not take breakslike bucks will . They litterally if nointervention is used , fight to the death .Again Altered or Not it makes no difference .

I know a lot of people bond their rabbits ,Personally I wont do it . Rabbits are notoverly sociable animals ,Fights will occure even withthe closest bondings. If they came inbonded I would NOT break the bond , but neitherwill I subject them to a possible futerfight. Even Bonded pairs I watch like ahawk. This is my personlal preference , Do as You will, Harm None.

Lissa I agree , anyone who works withShelters and rescue is to be applauded . Noother reference was applied.


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