I have followed this postfor a while now , refraining from adding my 2 centsin because knowing there were others onthe boardwho went through horrific fights and through some horrificends to keep their rabbits aliveafter such a fight .
Angie : First I have to appologiseforsnapping aboutrabbits being together when It is known they can beaggressive It may have been unfair to snap soquickly , Although Having 2 issues with the samebasic scenario in the same weekwas enough to illicit such a response . I must give youexcellent credit for Listening and Notcriticising and think you knew more thanthe Ones who just went through such anordeal
Many, before You came here have had similar issues , Andwould rather get argumentative , tell the Personthey dont know what they are talking about , orjust blow off the advice given . then sit andboohoo about a hidden infection they didnt botherto look for . If this strikesanyone close to home , too bad its therein the threads from previousposts .
With Fights , most times itdoesnt work out as well as we would likeit to . As was the Case of Ariels Rabbit.Some people get very lucky and no infections come from it ,Corky was not so lucky . What Puter Geek Girl went through ,and trust me all of us went through itwith her , It was sheer torture , more for Her andCorky, I would litterally hold my breath when I would see herupdate Corkys thread . I was terrified toopen it and see what I knew wasinevitable . I Value PGG's Experience and have learnedmuch from what she posted , Iwould hope others also willlisten and heed the warnings .
I agree with you on shelters and being formerrescue I doubly agree , It isntfair, it isnt right that animals be put downbecause of dump offs , but they are a fact of life, and You have to also remembersomeAnimals are given up due to healthproblems of the owners , devistation in some partof the owners life , We can notlump all owners into one group , there is alwaysexceptions for ever case . It would be unfair tothose who sometimes have no choice . For thosefew They are totally devistated know whatfate lays ahead for their beloved pet .
Cases if blatent abuse , neglect , collectors , bad breeders,and the totally cruelcan all be an annoying occurance anddevistating to the animals in question .I have been on a few of those cleanupsand they are no fun , they are gutwrenching , heart breaking and the urgeto beat some sense into an owner isstrong , sometimes too strong to over come , Thatswhen I walk away and let those who donthavemy temperfinish up .
All I can say is knowYOUR limits , know howmuch you can handle Before youfind yourself slapped with a fine anddamages because you got to a point whereyou couldnt control your actions . AndYes I speak from experience .