Help!!! 2 neutered males had a fight !!!

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Thank you for responding to my up-dates. I need to talk as when things like this occur I become an obsessed worrier. You are helping me and Joey too. I wouldn't have thought of placing him in the big dog carrier....he seemed to improve after is covered on three sides so he feels secure. I can't believe that I posted yesterday on Pepper's death "rabbit owners have to be prepared that a rabbit can die even when we do our best" I can't believe I said that and then I am in this situation today. You will continue to hear from me. Thanks!
To be honest the fact that he is so responsive to me today makes me feel that he is really isn't normal for him to allow me to give him this affection. He does seem to like it today though.
It's scary when your words catch up to you so quickly, isn't it?

The site about the Herbs for Rabbits and the effects is

No problem about asking the questions as they come up. That's whatwe're here for. I just hope someone has an answer to the questions youask.

Prayers continue for our Baby Boy.

angieluv wrote:
To be honest the fact that he is so responsive to me today makesme feel that he is really sick...itisn't normal for him to allow me togive him this affection. He does seem to like it today though.

And your instincts were right about him being really sick as you saw his personality change.

He likes it today because he needs you. He wasn't well until you eased his stress.

Hi Carolyn....Joey is 100%. I opened the cage door and he immediately hopped out, is exploring his area, and doesn't want me to pet him...he looks like his old self. I stayed up really late looking at him every 10 min.;he had peed and pood before I went to bed and eating too. Today he has a lot of poos in the cage and seems like "Joey". Thanks so much for getting me through this . He is not going to be able to see Peewee from where he is now and I'm leaving the dog crate in his area so he go get into if he becomes frightened. I sure am lucky.:):elephant:
I have been watching this whole thread and am soo happy for you!!!
Wonderful news that he is back to normal:D
I am glad Carolyn was there for you as well as others. She is the best!
She helped me through an illness with my Rupert.
Don't know what we would do without her!:blueribbon:
You're right dyky71, Joey and I love Carolyn. I just joined this site and it's too good to be true. I didn't have to go through an day of anguish with a bunny problem by myself...especially a Sun.
:colors::colors::colors:Joey, Babette, Beau, Rudy, Jacques, Peewee and (also my husband Jim who didn't have to listen to me obsess about Joey) all Love Carolyn!!!
Bless your hearts,dyky and Angie. You would've done the same thing if the tables were turned. I remember a time when we didn't have a forum like this and I really was on my own. I'm glad that we have each other to turn to. Thank the Lord that our bunnies have a chance now through the help of each other. Even if you don't know what to suggest, just knowing that someone is thinking of you and praying for you does help.

Now, as to our Beanerbaby: Wahooooooo!!!!

I couldn't be happier,butstill wouldstrongly encourage you to look both boys over with a fine-toothed comb.If a puncture wasmissed, it could get infected. If you're not comfortable with doing this on your own, I'd still suggest seeing a vet.

As Lissa will tell you, after her two girls had gotten into a fight, it was a day or two before her husband noticed that the one who seemed most uneffected by the fight was the one who did have a wound. You can't be too careful. Bean might get angry with you, but now that he's back to his Grumpy old self and he's calmed down, I wouldn't waste too much time giving him a thorough check-up of his belly, legs, etc.

I'm so glad, Angie! I am completely convinced your TLC saved Bean's life. I truly think he was ready to jump onto the Rainbow Bridge if you didn't step in.


Hi Carolyn...I went over Peewee and he has no injuries. Joey will not let me pick him up (normal) so I want to wait a day so as not to stress him again...his poops are a little small which is worrying me a bit but I'm not going to do anything yet. He acts like he never let me hold him and kiss him.....he even acts frightened of me. I'm fairly sure that he is basically OK unless he stops pooping.
Now we're watching for GI Stasis, Angie.

Both rabbits must be fully checked whether they like it or not. Do abunny burrito, get your husband to help. I don't suggest you wait muchlonger to make sure they don't have a puncture.

Infections can take over quickly and are fatal fast. It's been a fewdays. If you're not comfortable handling one of them, I'd take therabbit to the vet.

That's my suggestion.

Watch those poops. If they're small and dark, I'd start Stasistreatments. There's a link in the Top Picks, in the Cheat Sheet Linkabout it.

Jim gets home at 12AM and we'll check Joey together. Yesterday when he was limp I did check him but it wasn't really thorough....Joey's poops are better right now but I want to look at that cheat sheet link but I don't know where to find it. Thanks Angie
This is what helped get Tucker over a very serious battle with GI Stasis.

Tetracycline: I givea pinch with cannedpumpkin or NutriCal (An antiobiotic usually found in feedstores).

NutriCal: 1/2 to aninch every 4 hours (Bevgave you the equivalent to this in the UK, and others have explainedit.) In addition to it having laxatone in it, it will helpboost their immune system, provides them with the nutrients andvitamins necessary when they go off their feed.) With arabbit the size of a lionhead, I'd only give 1/2 inch.

Papaya Tablets: 1 per day - sugarless tablets. A meat tenderizer will help too.

Fresh Pineapple: A small syringeful every 4hours. The enzymes supposedly help break down the mucus thatholds the fur together.

Simethicone: The little dropper full - in the tinycontainer - maybe 1/2 tsp. Exact dosing isn'tcritical. (This is an infant gas medication that can bepurchased in the USA in pharmacies. You'll see "Simethicone"in the ingredients.)

Canned Pumpkin: every 4 hours as much as she'll take. A great source of high fiber and low sugar.

Pedialyte or Gatorade: Helps to restoreelectrolytes lost when going through Stasis.Alittle bit every hour in severe cases or stools are verysmall and dark.

Hay: As stated, it will help scrape the intestines clean.

Hi Carolyn...When I said "limp" i meant when Joey was floppy. We checked him last night (he was really angry) and I can't find any cuts or bites. Today his poops are smaller than normal but bigger than yesterday. I am going to get all the ingredients you listed to have on hand. Today is shelter day so I will be gone in the afternoon. Keep you posted...thanks Angie
Are the poops darker than usual?

Hi Maureen. Sorry it took me so longto find this thread. This is a great place to getadvice. But don't hesitate to call me if you want me to comeover and check on your bunnies. I don't care if it's 3:00 inthe morning. Anything for the bunnies. :)

I'm glad to hear that your bunnies are okay. I went through avery similar incident not long ago with Pristine and Iszy.Iszy was very shaken up by the fight which could have lasted allmorning while we asleep. It is a terrible feeling waking upto fur all over the floor. As Carolyn said, we didn't noticeany wound on either of them until two days later. Look veryclosely for punctures, as they are very hard to seesometimes.

As far as stasis, Carolyn recommended the best. I would alsolike to add to that list metaclopromide (sp). This pulledIszy out of stasis twice already.

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