Help!!! 2 neutered males had a fight !!!

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Nov 30, 2005
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Last night, Joey, a neutered male,a feisty even unfriendly guy, got into the pen of Peewee, new neutered male. I found fur all over this morning. Joey was in the corner of Peewee's pen and seemed like hewas in a trance or shock or something. I can't find anything that looks wrong with him but he is limp with his eyes open and looks like he is"in another world". I would get him to a vet but if this is psychological then I think the trip would kill him as he is most freaked out by everything. I have him in his pen in his box and have been stroking him which he usually doesn't let me do for long. I'm afraid that he is going to die. Help!!
Not good at all. They can get scared to death. If he doesn't calm down, his heart is at risk.

Stay with him, talk to him, I'd cover the cage so that he doesn't have any outside distractions and pet him trying to calm him down.

He has to be checked for injuries. Does he trance? Will he let you hold him and rock him?

Sometimes if they're that upset then you can put them in a carrier with water, food, a towel -if he won't chew it, in a dark, quiet area of the house. It'll help calm them down.

Gotta get that shock and heartbeat down.


I tried to check for any bites or anything broken and can't detect anything. I have him in his box and he just lies there floppy with his eyes open. Thescary thing is that usually he fights and bites me as he is a rescue that was always frightened of hands. He likes to have his face petted soI will do that. Do you agree that I should probably do this first before stressing him out and going to a vet?
Hi Angie,

It doesn't sound good. I would take him to the vet. At this rate, it sounds like he's not going to make it, so I'd risk the trip to the vet.


Like I said, I could be wrong. It's a tough call because you want him to settle down, but if he doesn't, it's not good.

Carolyn... I'm almost afraid to say this but I think that he may be slowly coming out of it. I put him in a covered dog carrier with his own litterbox and food etc and placed himin the same place that he usually is so as not to change his surroundings... Then Ihave been kissing his face and head for about 45 min. He seems to be regaining some tension in his muscles and his eyes look more "back again". If he dies this will really be sad as when I was kissing his face he licked my hand for the very first time. I am going to hold off a little with the vet if he improves at all as I will just keep up what I am doing . How does that sound?
ohh no,this is terrible,i am really hoping that your bunny will be ok.

please update us on this one,i really want your bunny to be alright.
How is he? Poor guy. He sounds pretty shaken up. I'm not sure about the vet it could just put him back farther, and since you can't find anything serious or anything leading to him being hurt or something, maybe just wait until he's calmed down. Hows his appetite? Maybe see if some vegetables might help him? Maybe with a nice full tummy he could start to calm down?
I put his veggies and hay in front of him... He likes cilantro so I thought that maybe the fragrance would help bring him back. He likes me petting him now but usually he is distrustful and often tries to bite. I can't believe that my new bunny Peewee scared him so bad.. Peewee is much smaller and Joey usually scares my other bunnies. There is the chance that he was injured internally but I can't see or feel any thing. I never had this happen before.
:great: That's wonderful, Angie!

Good Job! Keep it up. After the little guy fully settles down, perhaps by tomorrow morning, you can have a really good look at him. Sometimes the damage isn't easily found, so you do want to make sure you check him over carefully.

For now, just keep doing what you're doing. Good move getting his favorite food. What a Love that he kissed you. He so appreciates all you're doing and how you've responded to his call for help. Follow your instincts, they're leading you right where he needs you to go.

Keep us posted.


My instincts tell me that this is not over. He is sitting in the litterbox resting so his nervous system must be allowing his muscles to begin to function. However, what if he doesn't eat or drink tonite? I saw him take a small sip of water but I don't think that he is peeing or pooing. Should I just let it be for the night? I would hate to give him critical care and freak him out again.Once again this is the bunny that I described as having severe emotional problems. He is a rescue and I think was improperly handled by children. He is not a friendly rabbit but I always sense that he wants to trust but can't. Now he's going to have full blown post traumatic stress syndrome. This morning the 1st thing my husband told me was that the rabbits made a lot of noise during the early morning hours. Later he said that the noise was sporadic. I would guess that they fought all early AM. Peewee is new and probably the first of my rabbits that didn't back down from Joey's macho bravado. I think that Joey isn't as tough as he tries to look. Now I REALLY feel sorry for him. You guys, especially you Carolyn are getting me through this. I am so happy:)I found this site. I'll keep you posted.
I think your instincts are right on the money. I'd let him be for now. Keep him in the carrier he started to make an improvement in, continue the talking, petting, and I'd keep the other bunny out of his vision.

I agree that it's not over yet.

When they get that shaken up, it takes a little bit before the eating and drinking comes back. With his stress level, you want to keep an eye out for Stasis because this could've weakened his immune system a bit if the eating/drinking and pooping doesn't start, but for now, one thing at a time.

Since you've given him some vegetables, might consider a piece of fruit too, that has water in it and so hopefully he'll have a nibble here or there. At least he took a sip of water. :)

It's encouraging that he's coming around. You're doing a wonderful job.If there's a way for you to monitor how much he's drinking do so.

Rabbits won't eat if they're in pain. That's why at some point, we really need to be sure that he's had a good check over for any scrapes. They will fight until they get tuckered out, then rest, and they'll resume the fight when they're feeling stronger again. I don't know what time the fight could've started between the boys, but it may not have been just one. It could've been a couple depending upon when the break-in happened.

For tonight, I'd just keep talking to him, petting him, offering him anything he wants, and keep him in a quiet area.

Prayers continue.


angieluv wrote:
:D:DJoey just ate some cilantro so I am :D:D

That's FANTASTIC! :colors:

Go Joey :bunnydance: Go Joey :bunnydance: Go Joey :bunnydance:

When you two get through this, you'll be closer than you have been. Nodoubt, he knows that he can count on you to be there when times aretough.

GOOD JOB, Angie! :highfive:


I am just seeing that Joey has eaten!! Woohooo, I sat here readingthrough holding my breathe the whole way! You have done great inhelping Joey. Well done!! Bet you're relieved gawd knows I am and I amjust here seeing it leat alone dealing with it all.

Great job!! You two will share such a bond when all the drama is over!!
Goodeverything iscomingroundbut you'restill not out of thewoodsasof yet. Next couple ofdays arecritical.MightI suggest getting everyone into theirown cages and not left unsupervised torunaround .AccidentshappenI know this,but if youknow you havean agressiverabbitwhy let it outin thesame room andlet it haveaccess toany others?

Even though you think he ispulling out of this, he still can dieofshock, I would suggestgetting him to a vet.

gypsy wrote:
Good everything is coming round but you're still not out of the woods as of yet. Next couple of days are critical.

Even though you think he is pulling out of this he still can die of shock. I would suggest getting him to a vet.

I couldn't agree more. We've seen too many times where it appears the rabbit is pulling out of it and then it passes. I do think that a vet should be seen as well, if for nothing else, to make sure he doesn'thave any wounds that you're not seeing.

Make sure he stays warm if you notice something out of the ordinary,i.e., a drop in temperature, a setback into that withdrawn state...

Most importantly, don't give up hope and try not to be too scared. He's drawing on your love and your need to see him back to normal. He's very in tune to what you're feeling and his behavior is improving compared to going in the other direction.


Gypsy I don't have them running loose in the same room. They are all separated except one bonded pair. I redid the pens yesterday and Joey or Peewee managed to undo the fastener between pens and Joey went in Peewee's area last night while I was in bed. I do think that maybe Joey couldn't get out and I also think they fought a couple rounds. I agree that he should go to the vet and you're right about the potential for stasis. He's about 2 yrs. old and has never had any health problems before this. I will keep him away fro the other bunnies. In the meantime he groomed himself drank some more water and ate a little hay but he is still not even 30% his normal personality.Thanks everyone and I will keep up the posts.
Yes, if you feel he is improving (he soundsgreat to me from what he's been through!), then maybe a vet visit mightbe the best thing. How far is it away from the vet?

The vet could also prescribe some remedy to help him seatle down? I usethis thing called rescue remedy from the health food store for my dogwhen there's bad weather and it works quiet well. Not sure if there'ssomething like that available for rabbits? Keep him drinking and eatingas much as possible. My hopes are with you for a speedy recovery fromthis!:clover:

Has he eaten anything other?
Love hearing that he's eating and drinking!!


Thank you for the updates. I appreciate that a lot.


There are natural rememdies that some use for calming a rabbit down. Some use Comfrey before rabbit shows.

The less meds he's on, the better for him. Not only do you have toconsider side-effects of meds, but you always have to take intoconsideration that there could be a negative reaction. I trust you havea rabbit savvy vet. He/She will know what to do when you get a checkup.

Will bump up the post about Herbal Remedies. For tonight, I'd leavewell enough alone since he's nibbling on some hay and drinking somewater.

Keep doing what you're doing by keeping him where he is and talking tohim a lot. It's not wise to underestimate the power of positivefeedback and love. It goes a long way when they're in the state of mindhe's in. (I strongly suspect you have already saved his life today. Idon't think he would've done well had you not stepped in and done whatyou did to alleviate his stress.)


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