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Active Member
Mar 25, 2005
Reaction score
Eureka Springs, Arkansas, USA
Helloeveryone! I finally have a chance to make anintroduction. My name is Janet and I am the rather surprisedmother of two magical bunnies. Their names are Buddha andBella.

My story is probably not so surprising.A year ago on my birthday (May 1) my brother showed up at myhouse with a rescued rabbit. He thought since the passing ofmy best friend (dog) I needed a new pet. In my mind I wasthinking: Rabbit what in the world am I going to do with arabbit? I knew nothing about raising a bunny. Buthe was so adorable, and even though I had no equipment (no cage, etc.,)I couldn’t say no. So there I was with a new addition to myhome.

Well, it took me about a minute to fallmadly in love. Before I knew what happened I hit the internetand started doing research. Between which times I was underthe bed with him coaxing him out with whatever treat I hadhandy.

The story goes on. We grew uptogether…learning how to box train, what to eat, what the heck all thatcrazy jumping around was (the all-famous binky!) We alsofound out that he was deaf. No matter, he is ahappy boy.

About 5 months of being together thoughhe started behaving very oddly, lets just say that he was being a bittoo manly! Oops…time for the vet and his snippers!And a week after his operation there on my door step wasanother surprise, I named her Bella.

There was never a moment of bondingdifficulty between these two. Love wasimmediate.

So here I am the baffled and giggling mother of agoofy Californian (Bella) and a rather meditative French Lop(Buddha.) Life is great!

Janet, Buddha and Bella

PS—I adore this site, with all of theresearch I’ve done concerning raising my Buns, I have learned anextensive amount right here!

Thank you, Everyone!:cool:

Hi Mayday!

Isn't it shocking to learn just how communicative and full ofpersonality rabbits are? So many people that visit me arepleasantly surprised to see how expressive and loving my rabbitsare. I also never knew how sensitive - physically andemotionally - they were until I owned one.

Without a doubt, they're my favorite pets. Trouble Bubblessometimes, but I suppose they could complain about our shortcomingstoo.

I'm so glad you're enjoying them as much as you are. Bellaand Buddha (love those names) have hit the jackpot when theycaptured your heart. Don't ever hesitate to ask forhelp. That's what we're here for.

Thanks for the story. It was heartwarming and very sweet. :dude:

Very cool!!! Bunnies are great pets and this site is awesome for info and the people here are wonderful folks!
Welcome Janet, Buddha and Bella,

We finally get to meet you!

We knew nothing about bunnies either when two bunnies were left at outhouse for us to babysit last summer. The two families weregoing on holidays for two weeks. Yes, that's twodifferent bunnies for two weeks.

Just like you, I hit the Internet and did the research too. And I found this forum. :cool:

Three months later, we adopted Pebbles. :D

Rainbows! :D


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