
Rabbits Online Forum

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Feb 25, 2005
Reaction score
winchester, , United Kingdom
im am new to the forum i dont have any currentrabbits i have done in the past. i work in a petshop as a saturdayjoband i feel that i should learn as much as icanabout all the animals wesellto be ableto give the proper advise to costumers.
hall prtshop

we are a lovely bunch here

and dont accept trolls

so if you need any advice just ask

varna xxxx
Welcome! I think you will find this to be an incredible place to learn. We have fun while we help and learn from each other.

Tina & Jeremy
You are to be commended! This is the best place Ihave found to learn about rabbit care and I would consider it to be thenumber one place to visit when you have a new bunny.

So many pet stores don't care about the animals or the customers, onlythe cash. It's very encouraging to see an employee wanting to do theright thing and inform people about what they are getting in to.

Fergi's mom
Greetings and welcome to the forum!!

Yes...definitely check out the "Cheat Sheet For Rabbit Care" at the topof the topics on this forum. Much of the necessary info is there aswell as links to sites with additional info.

If you have any question on anything that's not covered, there's probably a member here that has the answer.


:~) Jim
Welcome Petshop!

Good for you to want to learn as much as you can about the animals yousell. You could even direct potential rabbit buyers to thisforum.

There is always someone here that will answer any questions you have if they can.


Welcome Petshop!!

Hope you find some valuable information here and make some friends along the way :D
Welcome to the forum petshop. There aresome fantastic people who visit here and we are all so enthusiasticabout rabbits. Most of us own at least one rabbit - or rather- they own us.

Welcome again


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