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Hi guys, I just bought an adult rabbit and it’s female, the seller before used to grabbed her ear to pick her up. I’m worried about her ear condition, should I have to check her ear condition to a doctor or not?
What a horrible practice. That poor dear bunny. I'm glad she is now with someone who cares about her
Yes, welcome, and just as a side note, the thread title is possible the best to hide your question ;). Something like "picked up by ears - check necessary" would more likely get you responses on that topic.

Anyway, it is imo a bad practice. Sure, they are easy to handle that way, they get calm and stop struggling, even if not it's easy handling.

But by now I know how rabbits react to severe pain - seemingly calm - and also that their ears are very sensitive, I'm pretty sure it doesn't hurt much less than it would if I were lifted on my ears. Anyway, I don't think a checkup is necessary if there isn't something looking wrong.

Also scruffing, another thing I don't do after seeing that it can cause hematoma since rabbits simply didn't evolve this feature, unlike cats or dogs.

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