heat pad? question on temp..

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Dec 5, 2006
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hey! Im getting a bunny this weekend and he willbe an indoor bunny. im just worried that it will be too cold for him inhere because i try not to use the heat too much..especially when im nothere and it gets pretty cold. its not freezing or anything, but im justafraid it will be too cold for him. i was thinking of getting a heatpad. but maybe im just crazy and it will be a fine temp..haha so...howcold is too cold for a rabbit?
bunnies cope with the cold weather much betterthan heat. Make sure he/she is protected from drafts and perhaps has anice warm blanket or towel to snuggle up in.

Heating pads can be dangerous because the bunny may chew it and either ingest the wrong thing or get an electric shock.
ahhhhh ok. ill give him lots of blankets tocuddle up in then...i stay warm in this cold house by using lots ofblankets so he will too. thanks!
I know, I have the same concern as well!Rabbits, even indoor buns, grow a winter coat that keeps them nice andtoasty :). So, they don't need any outside help to keep themselveswarm.

Rabbits skin can also burn quickly, so I usually recommend if you douse a heating pad, supervise him. If he's indoors, he's be fine. :)

If you do think he's a bit chilly, you could always put his towel inthe drier for five minutes or so just to warm it up a bit :).
Rabbits tend to prefer cold places to warm, so Ibet your bunny will actually appreciate the temp being on the cool sidein your house. If he's still very young, then providing a warm place -some blankets or towels he can snuggle in if he wishes - would be good,but overall I think your bunny will thrive in your house. Just makesure there's no drafts around the area he's to be housed, if he is in acage at all. A heating pad isn't necessary unless you're dealing with asick rabbit, and as was suggested, they can be quite dangerous, sincebunnies chew.
alright good. so i wont be too worried when im too cheap to pay for a really warm house. thanks for the info!:)
If you still want to get a heatpad, you can buybunny special ones that are very chew resistant and contain non-toxic"gel" inside so if it is ingested its not a major problem. They eat inthe microwave and are around £17 on eBay and other places.. i'll find alink if you want it.
ya i looked them up. i may eventually get one. thanks:)

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