Heart Bunnies

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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2007
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Pheotown, IL :D, Illinois, USA
I know there was a topic like this awhile back, but I think some of us newer member would appreciate a newer one :)

If the mods dont feel like its a good idea, feel free to delete it...

Here is the old thread, so people know what a heart bunny is


I love Phinn to bits, and would do anything for him, but I cant say he's my heart bunny with my whole heart. I know he loves me, but it seems like he loves treats and playtime more than me. But then again, thats him, and I absolutely LOVE him!!

I can say though, I do have a heart cat. He means the world to me, and is just so amzing. My little Maxxy boy :)

I think once I get to know Phinn even better, he might turn into my heart bunny, or maybe he is and I just dont know it yet.

So whose your heart bunny?
Well, my heart bunny that is still alive has got to be Ash... Even though I just got him a week or so ago, I still have a very strong bond with him, and we are still bonding more and more each day! :)

My heart bunny that has crossed the bridge was Smokey my Netherland Dwarf Buck who I sadly have no pictures of, only memories... :( RIP Somkey, I miss you.

I do have a heart cat as well named Jenny (She is oneof the ugliest things I have ever seen - but I love her to bits!) And I had a heart dog who is sadly waiting for me at the bridge, and her name was Tootsie (a sheltie)...

I like this thread! :)
Misty. I love her to death. I love the other guys too, but she's my little baby cakes. I always knows what she's thinking and I love love her outgoing, fiesty personality.

Berri was my heart bunny, she was so so so special to me. I can't believe I just had 2.5 years with her. :(It's nice that I have her daughters though, I can see her coming through in them sometimes.

My heart cat was my Mitten, << In my avie, I had 6 months with her just, I'd do anything to have her and Berri back. :(I still have Mitty's brother, Moppet, whomI adore, but he's not really a people cat, whereas she really really was.
My heart bunny was definitely Chaucer, the rabbit I had in college.


She's no longer alive, though.

Elf has certainly taken her place in my heart. :)


I've gone backwards and forwards between who is my heart bun for the past 5 years, one day it's Millie, the next it's Ruby.

I went through a few weeks a while back thinking Ruby was my heart bun, I just love her to pieces and she knows me so well, she lights up my day.

However at the moment I am going through a phase of thinking Millie is my heart bun, at the moment Ruby is recovering from at URI and she is still pretty mad at me for giving her all those meds and stays away. It really hurts to see her like that, but then Millie senses I am upset will come running over and cheers me up by tossing about a cardboard box, or climbing on my knee to see if I have something interesting for her, or sniffing around my face giving me 'kisses'.

Truth is, they are two halves of a whole. Icouldn't live without one,when one is distant, the other is close, when one is mad, the other wants attention, but they both know my heart.Together they are my heart bun.:hug::heartbeat:

As if anyone needs to ask me my heart bunny.........Milly of course! :inlove:

We were so close and totally bonded, I loved him so much. I don't think I will ever find another bunny quite like him. Probably that's why I'm taking losing him so hard. :(

I love Hope and Harvey but not in the same way.

Do youthinkit's possible to find another heart bunny after you've lost yours?
I love all my buns and it's hard to admit that I have a 'special' one but it is true.

Wiggles is my lil heart bun. I love her so much. We went through so much together and our relationship is definitely different. She was very ill when I got her so I spent countless nights taking care of her. She is soooooooooo jealous of me touching another bunny. Though she loves Bam-Bam very much (they were an instand bond) if I touch him when she is around, she will come running and stick her nose between my hand and Bam-Bam's so she gets the petting instead. Lol.
ellissian wrote:
youthinkit's possible to find another heart bunny after you've lost yours?
You know, I don't think so. People talk about finding their new heart bunny, but I know nobunny will ever take Berri's place. Don't get me wrong, I love Pebble, Ebony and Madison more than you can imagine, it's actually scary, I get very very upset if I think about losing them. :(

But I loved Berri differently, though I wouldn't say more. I've loved them all equally, Berri was special because she was my first bunny, and I worked so hard to get her to love me, and in the end she did. :)

I think each rabbit will take it's own, special place in your heart, when you love them. I don't think love has to be sacrificed for one over another, it's like your children (I don't have any!! :plol But I'd guess) you could never chose between them which you loved more, thoughone may just have a closer bond with you, or something like that.

Gosh I've rambled on a bit here.... :craziness
My heart bunny is Teacup. She's a 6 year old Mini Rex. She's also my avatar.

I know lots of times when I was really sad (like crying) and she would come up and snuggle me. I love her so much. I can't imagin life without her.

I Understand what you are saying Michalea. My TinkleBunny will always have a special place in my heart. She is my first bunny and is the reason I am now a "bunny person." That place can never been filled again. I know I am going to be a wreck when she does leave me, and I can't even think about it or I will get choked up. That is why I don't want to really get a second bunny, I will feel like I am cheating on my Special Lady. It sounds silly, but she fufills my need to love someone and nurture them, I don't need anyone else.

ellissian wrote:
Do youthinkit's possible to find another heart bunny after you've lost yours?

Yes, I think so.:)Heart animals are those very special animals that touch us in such a way that they change our lives, and although they may have to leave us, I think they will always find a way back to our hearts. Although maybe in another shape or form.;)

Read Tina's 'dajeti2's post from this page about how she lost her beloved, incrediblyspecial, heart bunApollo, yet found another heart bun - Otis.:)

Oscar is my heart bunny. I love him so so much. I work midnights(reason i'm awake at 4am on my night off and can't sleep:()so i sleep during the day while oscar is out and about. While I'm sleeping he stays on the third level of his nic condo and watches me.(eventhough the cage isopen) As soon as i wake up, usually arround three Oscar follows me into the kitchen, we each get a snack and than we hang out in the living room together. If i decide to go back to the bedroom he comes with me. When i get up to go to the bathroom he follows.(his litter box is right outside the bathroom) And he goes to the bathroom too. When i have a shower i leave the door open and Oscar sits right outside and cleans himself;) hehe much more but i'll leave it at that;) I love him so so so so much! hehe



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