Head tilt i think

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Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2006
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, , United Kingdom
I'm sorry i know head tilts have been posted about a lot, and i have read the posts and the info given in the health section, but my rabbit has only the head tilt, no other symptoms like lack of balance, poor eyes etc which it says they will have on the websites given, it has only noticably developed today, any ideas wha t might be up guys? thanks very much i know you must be bored of this type of question
Well, my bunny Latte suffers from head tilt and got in early December. His was caused by an inner ear infection, which is why he was rolling and off balance (his equilibrium was off).However, there are other causes like E.Cuniculi (which my vet said is more of a gradual decline in health, rather than an all of a suddens ituation). My Latte was fine and then boom, with in a few hours was head tilting, then rolling.

If you were looking at a clock, how severe would you rate the tilt? 5after? 10 after? 15, etc? Latte's was only like 8 after but that was enough to make him fall over. When he was really sick, his head would lean, then lean, then lean until it was almost 25 after then he'd fall over. He'd get up, and then the process would repeat.

My advice; take him to a rabbit savvy vet to have him checked out ASAP.If it is indeed caused by an ear infection that hasn't made it to the inner ear yet, it might be way easier to treat. My Latte had an up perres infection that got treated, but he must have had it for a long time before I adopted him that it turned into an inner ear, which resulted in the tilt. The vet will probably put him on antibiotics. If the bun is eating/drinking ok and isn't rolling, he may not prescribe Dramamine. Latte needed it. If he does have the tilt, keep a VERY close eye over the next few days regarding his food and drink intake. There were a couple times I had to syringe feed him water and Critical Careto keep his nutrients up.

Also, does he drink out of a bottle? If he does, I suggest a heavy stonewarebowl instead. Latte got dizzier when he tried drinking from his bottle as opposed to the bowl. I also put rolled up towels (hand towels) around the edges of his cage for him to lean against on his tilted side. He slept easier because he was more comfortable.

I know, if he does have it, how scary it can be, but as people on here have showed me many rabbits can live full and happy lives with the tilt. And if you get treatment right away, chances are they will do much better. Latte got it Dec. 20th, got his meds the next morning, wason them for 14 days and now he runs, jumps, and his tilt is MUCH better! Good luck to you and I hope your bunny is ok. :hug2:

Seems like I was only asking this same question not too long ago!Everyone on here is great. m.e's bunny Peanut also has head tilt and it helped to know that my bunny wasn't going to have a horrible life after getting this. Peanut is still a spunky little bun! :bunnybutt:
Thanks for the reaasurance, i have made a vets appointment but it's for monday. He shows no loss of balance or wobble when he walks so maybe it's that E. thingy lol. The tilt is about 5after, or maybe 4 even but he has just developed it so it's noticable to me
grumpybabies wrote:
Thanks for the reaasurance, i have made a vets appointment but it's for monday. He shows no loss of balance or wobble when he walks so maybe it's that E. thingy lol. The tilt is about 5 after, or maybe 4 even but he has just developed it so it's noticable tome

E. Cuniculi is a parasite:

Encephalitozoon cuniculi, a protozoan parasite, can cause brain disease (meningooencephalitis and microscopic cysts), and can result in paralysis anywhere in the body, since every part of the body is controlled by a specific part of the brain. (See the HRJ Vol. III No. 2for a detailed description of this parasite.) Frequently there are signs preceding a head tilt caused by E.cuniculi such as tripping,dragging of feet, tipping over. These symptoms may have appeared andthen vanished weeks or months prior to the head tilt. A blood test for antibodies to E. cuniculi can tell whether your rabbit has been exposed. - House Rabbit Society




Thanks for those, from reading them all, i think it may be an injury of some sort, like he has fallen because he has no other symptoms but i guess the vet will tell me more hopefully.
Definitely. Just keep a really close eye on him.If he develops loss of balance or appetite or does not go to the bathroom, is their an emergency vet that sees rabbits by you? I tried to get Latte in the night he got sick, but there is no one w/in 50miles of my house that sees rabbits in emergency centers. But, it might be something to look up just in case. If he seems fine all weekend,then great. Good luck to you!:)