My 3 year old lop Willow became ill a few weeks ago. Flat as a pancake in her litter box - she started the telltale bunny flip-spin-roll when I picked her up. Took her to my local e-vet since no one ever gets sick during business hours and was told it was heat related which I questioned but signed the release and was told to come back in 3 hours. A few hundred dollars later the vet informed me that this was not heat and I was given the Baytril I went there for. The next few days the progress was good and by the week or mark her head was only slightly tilted and she was eating pellets by the bowlful. Of course my relief was short lived as the next night when I came home from work she was flat in the pan again. I called the e- vet to tell them we had a setback and got her in the car. Walked in the door and the vet on duty promptly informed me that he knew absolutely nothing about rabbits and could not assist me other than to refill my Baytril. Now it's Labor Day weekend and the only bunny savvy vet is 40 miles away and off until midweek so I started reading bio's on all the local vets and found one that used to show rabbits so I took a chance. While not the most knowledgable - he was more than willing to try. She is now taking the Baytril & Septra along with something for the vertigo. Progress while very slow is still progress and her appetite is okay as long as you are green & leafy or a sweet treat. Someone on line suggested critical care sprinkled onto wet leafy greens which she eats but not as heartily as plain greens. She is still having balance issues and I try to avoid picking her up because it really throws her for a loop. Today it's been three weeks since her 1st visit to the e-vet. When she lifts her head she seems to make a circular motion. I am writing today today to see if anyone has other suggestions? What about panacur? Is the Septra & Baytril an okay mix? On the positive side she is grooming herself, eating and drinking and pooping which seem good. I love this little bun and would love to be in a position to spend whatever but that is not the case. Any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.