Has anyone tried this method of treatment?

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Oh it is and guess what? He's very PROUD of his accomplishments. He stands there with his little mini-rex attitude looking at me as if to say "Hmmmf, I guess I showed you who's boss!"

:tantrum:Thing is, he's right!!!

I changed his boxes - one is all carefresh now - it's the one he jumps into from atop his second level. He stopped peeing and pooping in that one now - he's using the other one! :?He hadn't been using that one much at all........

However, his little feets are looking much better...... One is still pretty mean looking but it's better than what it was. I'm still treating him.
I tell him all the time how rotten he is!

I stopped using the fleece on his feet cause he seemed to get them off better with that. Now, I'm using his own fur like the article says. He's been so molty that it works great. Pretty soon tho, I might have to go to Tony or Clover fur! ;)

Must be a mini-rex thing....both the hocks and the 'tude.;)

Chippy's hocks are slender and lean like a rex.
Her's act up bad from time to time.

Have you tried Bag Balm?

I use Neo until the open wounds heal, and then switch to Bag Balm to help condition the skin.

Mysteriously, Chippy's hocks seem to get sore when there's some other issue going on.... GI, false pregnancies,bad molt, and a LOT with her cyst thing.
He gives us stuff all the time. It just seemed so ....... funny that he gave me his sock.

Sydney has been bringing him her squeeky toys. They are about 1/2 his size! LOL!

Glad you are seeing improvements. I have started using pre-mature baby booties with cotton padding in the. CJ is far from impressed, wasnt my fault I couldnt find blue :(

;) :p
Awww pink booties? Bo likes pink!

I thought about using baby booties, but I worried they would slip off.
I think this was a great beginning to get his feet better!

We left his bootie on the left back foot for 3 days the last time - with antibiotic ointment and a tiny bit of Prep H.

I also went from trying to put a soft blankie in his litterbox to placing carefresh in one half (where he jumps down and sits to eat his hay - this is his "way" and even if I moved his hay, he would drag it to where he sits in his box - he knows he can just sit there and eat and poop!) and the other half the woody pet. That's where he pees.

His hocks are nearly perfect - but he doesn't have much fur so we are still watching closely
Since you posted this, I've been watching for tiny booties in baby departments. I figure I should have a couple of pairs on hand.... just incase! LOL!

Luv-bunniz wrote:
Glad you are seeing improvements. I have started using pre-mature baby booties with cotton padding in the. CJ is far from impressed, wasnt my fault I couldnt find blue :(

;) :p
Wow! BlueGiants just provided me the link to this thread -- I discovered our beloved 1 year old Flemish Giant was working on a pair of sore hocks this morning. Thank you all for the input you have provided so far. It has been really helpful. I'll let you now now it goes. I have ordered some Vetwrap and will be calling our vet tech tomorrow morning. I am wondering about the possibility of using lamb's wool, like dancers use in their pointe shoes, instead of shed fur (I'm not sure I can get enough together. Has anyone tried that?
just make sure the wool is clean - we had sheep and it would be great if it was clean I think.

Bo's hocks are much better now.
Well, I was unable to get a vet tech appointment -- the vet wanted to see Sam so we went for the appointment this morning.

The vet was pretty aggressive in treatment even though there is no broken skin on Sam's hocks. He put Sam on some oral banana-flavored baytril, a special topical solution for his heels with DSO and Baytril, and suggested putting one of those white grills from Tractor Supply over the carefresh in his litter pan to prevent Sam from standing in his own urine. The DSO is an interesting substance. Originally developed for use in horses, it is a highly penetrating anti-inflammatory that is able to carry an antibiotic with it through the skin. We have to put it on just once a day so long as Sam lets his feet stay wrapped the way they are shown in the article at the top of this thread. Otherwise, we have to apply it twice a day. We're supposed to wear rubber gloves while applying it, too, because it could penetrate our skin. I don't know that we will actually use the oral antibiotic. My husband worries about what it does to the rabbit gut and what it doesn't do when you overuse it. Also, since the skin isn't broken even, it doesn't seem like he's at that high of risk for infection.

So far Sam still has his little VetWrap booties on so I am hoping they stay on the rest of the day. He was a very good boy while at the vet, and I was ecstatic when he weighed in at over 13 pounds -- he has twice been disqualified as a senior show buck for being slightly below the mandatory 13 lb-minimum. He's just one big growing boy!
I might have to check into that also. DSO is awesome for things like that! I didn't know it would be safe for bunnies!

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