I really can't wait for a day when there areoffical rules though. Its really hard if you are wanting tocompete cause there are like no set rules. I trained Flopsybased on Rabbit Hopping instead of agility because rabbit agilityrequires taking off the leash and harness. For about a year Ihave been planning this really big rabbit hopping/agilityshow. Maybe about 5 years I can host the first offical USArabbit tornament. Haha. Trust me it would rock! Like nicehurdles and such.
Some rabbits take to the sport quicker than others. Flospydidn't need to be taught he caught on the moment I set him in front ofthe hurdle. Fluffy on the other hand rather sit and groom oreat grass. (That will change by the end of the week.)
I am really big on dog agility though. I know all the rules,standard height classes, rules on contact zones, and such.I've been specating at shows for two years now. Veryexciting. My favorites though where the Eukanuba AKC 2005 and2006 Championships. You miss alot if you just watch it ont.v. much more fun in person. A friend and I had trained adog but unfortuatly the dog was relocated. I still have allthe equipent for it. A few weeks ago I was building andplanning on making smaller equipent for Flopsy...
Well after reading this I'm in the mood for creating those jumps. Byeall nice topic. I excited with all the interest in thissport. If you hear of any events in Florida please let meknow!
AKC Show. (If Mods want me to del this please ask and I'll do it)
Flopsy jumping not even a month after learning how to. (Alsogive them enough leash unlike I did. I didn't except him to just sofast.)
-Ashley:bunnydance: & Flopsy :bunnyangel: & Fluffy:brownbunny