Aww that is terrible! I was thinking of callung the vets today, since they havent even called back. I read on a veterinary blog that rabbits shouldnt not eat the night before before anasthetic but 2 hours before op, my rabbit spent 20 hours without eating... i reckon that could have been the cause. I dont know anymore. But i am so sad. I also thought of getting another one to brimg a bit of happiness to the house, but not sure I can handle another loss.
@NYAngela is right. Rabbits should never be fasted, prior to surgery, or any other time for that matter. First, rabbits can't vomit so it's unnecessary. And secondly is that it's essential for rabbits health that they are always eating and always have food moving in their digestive tract, or they can develop a dangerous condition called GI stasis. Liver issues may also rarely occur when a rabbit isn't allowed to eat, which certainly could contribute to difficulties with them handling anesthesia.
@Elenaw if your vet told you to fast your rabbit prior to the surgery, I can't say if your vets wrongly telling you to fast your rabbit contributed at all to your rabbit not making it, but it does tell me that the vet was not an experienced rabbit vet and that inexperience alone could have played a part in your rabbits death. And in my opinion, this vet should not be performing any type of veterinary care on rabbits.
I know right now it's probably the last thing you want to have to deal with after losing your rabbit, but if Spain has any sort of veterinary regulatory board, I would strongly suggest that you lodge a formal complaint about this vet. Telling you to fast your rabbit prior to surgery is dangerous and irresponsible pre surgical care procedure for rabbits, and this vet needs to be reported if they are giving this incorrect information to rabbit owners.
I really understand what you both are feeling and going through, not only losing a rabbit due to surgery, but also a rabbit that you formed a special bond with. I don't form a close bond with all of the rabbits that I have had as pets over the years. I love them all of course, but sometimes there will be a certain rabbit that comes into your life that basically steals your heart, that you just make this special connection with. Often rabbit owners refer to them as their 'heart bunnies'. There have been a few that this happened with for me, and both weren't with me very long either, only a few months. But I really loved those little bunnies. They were loving and precious little souls and I still miss them terribly. So I can completely understand the devastation of your loss ,both of you, and the hole that you just feel in your heart after.