has anyone ever had a rabbit recover from head tilt?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2006
Reaction score
, New York, USA
i was wondering if anyne has had a rabbit thatrecovered from head tilt and had no more balance problems after that.tabetha is currently being treated for this and her balanc is getingworse. i need to know if good has come out of the situation for any oneand how long it took and what meds were used.:)

~frantic~ ani-lover
Hon - I've treated several and they have recovered fine.

R2 goes into a minor head tilt every couple of weeks - sometimes Ialways wonder if he just wants some extra spoiling as he's out of itagain in a few hours.

Right now I have Baby (aka Snookums) running laps around the house. Shewas one I think I was most worried about losing 'cause she was so youngand she dropped so much weight. Now? Art & I can't catch her ifI want to look at her.

Blueberries N Cream came down with wry neck WHILE PREGNANT. She went onto deliver the babies (I fostered them out as she was rolling by thattime) and I focused on treating her.

Now? She runs and plays and ... yes..she binkies too.

Don't give up hope sweetie!


Edited to add this:

All of my rabbits that have had head tilt still have a bit of a tilt totheir head when they're tired or if they've played all day or if theyget a bit dehydrated. However, it isn't bad and it doesn't slow themdown any at all.

My friend had a guinea pig and his head wasbadley on the side and he had loads of smelly gunnky yellow stuffcoming from the ear that was closest to the ground.

Was this Head Tilt?

Btw-The Gp Died A Short time later he lost alot of weight ect...
It does sound like head tilt. I didn'tknow guinea pigs got it too. Head tilt is a symptom withdifferent causes, although in this case it sounds like a severe earinfection. Was he ever treated by a vet? I'm sorryhe didn't make it.:(
hey there
my cola had a raspiratory infection and got a headtilt fromo that. itgot worse and worse and i was really worried it would stay, but itsuddenly got better and now it is completely gone
No ''Spike'' Was Never Taken To The Vet They JstThought He Had A Bad Ear Infection And It Put Him Off Balance They WasCleaning It Up All The Time And When He Seemed To Get Better He Died :(
I cant remember, do we know what is causing Tabetha's tilt? (ear infection, or ec etc)?

Treatment can vary based on what is causing it. Is she only on antibiotics?
she was diagnosed with an ear infection and wasput on baytril for 20 days and that went away. now her balance is justoff but seems a lot better today if she flops over she'll get up. YAY!!i hope this lasts. she is going back in two weeks to get anotherivromectin shot and well see what happens from there. she has a verygood atitude and apetite so i hope she pulls through.:)


what treatment did you use?

TinysMom wrote:
Hon - I've treated several and they have recovered fine.

R2 goes into a minor head tilt every couple of weeks - sometimes Ialways wonder if he just wants some extra spoiling as he's out of itagain in a few hours.

Right now I have Baby (aka Snookums) running laps around the house. Shewas one I think I was most worried about losing 'cause she was so youngand she dropped so much weight. Now? Art & I can't catch her ifI want to look at her.

Blueberries N Cream came down with wry neck WHILE PREGNANT. She went onto deliver the babies (I fostered them out as she was rolling by thattime) and I focused on treating her.

Now? She runs and plays and ... yes..she binkies too.

Don't give up hope sweetie!


Edited to add this:

All of my rabbits that have had head tilt still have a bit of a tilt totheir head when they're tired or if they've played all day or if theyget a bit dehydrated. However, it isn't bad and it doesn't slow themdown any at all.

Hi! I wrote about it on a thread but can't find the link right now - I'll PM you with it.

Karona has head tilt as a result of bein droppdin infancy (we think). Hers will never go away as it is permaninatnerve damage and a curvature of the spine that caused it. She has gooddays and bad. On a good day only I can tell it is tiled on a bad dayshe rolls. It all depends.
While Peanuthasn't 'recovered' from her tilt, she has adapted and is veryhappy despite a slightly crooked expression ;)

Our vet has a bunny patient that's had a tilt (from vestibular damage)for over 8 years! And she's doing just as well as Peanut is :)
Sorry i'm a bit late replying on this but i hada rabbit with a head tilt, they had an injection for any swelling andsome baytril and they were better in about 10 days, no sign of it now,but it was only a slight one.
I've had two rabbits with head tilt. Laceyrecovered completely - you can't really see any head tilt now but ittook about 6 months for her to regain her balance fully. Starsky hadvery slight tilt, still experiencing loss of balance but it's only beena couple of months. Both were treated with Baytril and Panacur andanti-inflammatory - suspected E-cuniculi.

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