Katherine- the green material he is sitting on is the remains of the bag, he clearly is not remorseful for his actions or leading innocent Bunnicula into trouble. I'm sure he is plotting his next round of naughtyness. I keep threatning him with being stew, but he just won't believe me, he gives me a nose bonk and I melt, no more anger. You would think the kids were starving the way they get into things LOL
All of my kids LOVE canned pumpkin. They get it about once a month in a dish, that way if I ever have to feed it to them when they are sick it is not a novel food, they hate new foods. Just be sure to get 100% pumpkin and not the kind with spices in it for pies.
All of my critters got a special meal for the holiday- birds got extra millet sprigs and chopped greens, gerbil got greens and a fresh cranberry, turtles and rabbits got a salad of mixed baby greens, dandelions, and red kayle. carrot slivers, sweet peppers, green beans, squash, strawberries, cranberries, banana, and a drizel of apple oat baby food for dressing. The turtles got meal worms on top as well. nommm nommm nommm nommm
yes Panda and Bunnicula got their salad even with being so naughty. They better watch out though, santa is watching!