Happy bunny life

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Today Embla got her claws trimmed at the petshop, the person that helped me trim her nails was scared of Embla. Because she thought Embla would bite her.

We can say I got a small wound on the lip after Embla tried to get away and she scratched me. But I later managed to get a better steady hold. So she was still and it was easier to trim her nails.

When we got home she binky on the bed, so she wasn’t that traumatized. I just think she thought it was scary to be held 😊
Watching breaking bad with Odin, he’s a really good companion and is running crazily all over the couch. It’s fun watching his binkies and zoomies. He still do as many binkies and zoomies as he did when he was a kit ☺️

While we are also doing a process with Embla, she now always reacts to her name and she sleep so deep. I can see her daily cute yawns. I’m planning to try capturing it with a picture or video.
I’m just going to post about my bunnies and their life. I will post when I have the energy, which will be quite random 😂

As a few already know I’ve gotten my new bunny Embla. She’s 4.5month old and a tan belgian hare. I just want to hug and cuddle her but she’s still new and need time to settle down.

Today she discovered a garbage bag which was a really scary thing. She ran and hid in the small hide house but I waited until she came out. It just took a few seconds and Embla went forward to investigate the scary garbage bag. I later moved the bag and made sounds, to let her get use to it a little and she reacted very well.

So it’s truly a brave little girl that’s really curious and forward. While the dust pan and brush was something fun to tip and chew.

Embla stomach have gotten better during the day but it still not there yet. But at least she’s not giving me the scare as Odin did as a kit and she have a great appetite.

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I haven’t seen any urine spot anywhere in the cage which is a total suprise because she’s not litter trained. But she’s using the litter box perfectly except spreading her droppings everywhere. It’s more droppings outside the litter box than in it.

While Today I cleaned Toste ears, I noticed he have gotten a wax build up again. So I will need to clean it tomorrow and I also need to trim Odins nails but also Embla nails need to be trimmed 🤣

Maybe I will wait trimming Embla until my little brother comes back home. She will struggle and I would rather I hold her while another person trim until she get used to be handled.

Baby girl Embla, she will grow a bit more 💕
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I have the trouble with Embla stepping into the water bowl, dipping her bum into it and also her putting toys into the bowl. She’s not used using a water bowl but maybe she will learn to not put the paws into the bowl. She don’t even care her paws get wet, if Odin get his paw wet he will act like he have touched something disgusting 😂
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At least I have found a bunny that will like the chewing toys I have 💕
She is sooooooooooooooo pretty!!! I love her! She looks super soft!

Maybe try putting her water dish up higher? Set it on another upside down dish and twist tie it to the cage?
Embla picked up litter training fast and she have been using the litter box every day since monday. No accidents up on my bed or in the room. But she’s still not in her teenage period, so it will change later. This will be my third bunny I will have to go through their hormonal period 😩

She love chewing things and it’s quite a happy girl. Next Wednesday I will take her to the vet and check her. Because right now I’m wiping up snot from her after she sneeze. I can touch her and she will accept me feeling her stomach and I can give kisses to her. When I say come Embla, a shy girl will stick her head out from under my bed🤣

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Toste had wax problems but after cleaning his ears more regularly and the swelling went down again. He’s such a good boy letting me to handle him without struggling, even though it can hurt a bit if he get swollen. But I always make sure he gets a lot of treats after I’m done.
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While Odin have been trying his best to get into my room during night. You should totally see him when I go to bed, he run full speed to my bedroom and I need to pick him up and place him in the kitchen. Then he will stands on his back legs looking through the glass of the door. His big eyes staring at me makes my heart soften for him 😩
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How sweet!! You have gorgeous bunnies!! Looking at his adorable lil face is like looking at my D'jango.
She is sooooooooooooooo pretty!!! I love her! She looks super soft!

Maybe try putting her water dish up higher? Set it on another upside down dish and twist tie it to the cage?

She have a hanging bowl now, this crazy girl that love standing in the bowl and she is quite smooth when you pet her.

How sweet!! You have gorgeous bunnies!! Looking at his adorable lil face is like looking at my D'jango.

Thanks, D’jango looked a lot like a netherland dwarf. He reminds me of my previous boy I had which was a black mixed breed nethie/holland lop but he mostly looked like a larger netherland dwarf ☺️
Today I trimmed Embla and Odins claws, we can say it went a lot easier with Embla than the first time. She was such a good girl letting my little brother hold her and later we switched because my brother truly don’t have a good way to hold bunnies 🤣

It was also Embla first time exploring the kitchen today.

While myself also took a walk around the lake with my little brother.
I sometimes feel like I’m neglecting Embla, even though she keep on getting tamer and more forward to people.

I know it’s just my own emotions and feelings. Which makes me a bit distance to my bunnies right now. I’ll make sure to get a bit more bonding time with Embla next week. At least she binkies every day and wake me up around 9 am.

We have gone into the period where Embla droppings is starting to smell more than what they used to do 😂

At least here are a few pictures of Toste and Odin. From the last couple of days. 2A322BA9-D8C7-4AF0-B79C-10FEF603D8CB.jpeg

The last rose blooming battling the frozen cold and frost.
My grumpy girl have turned into a monster! She growls and attacks me, specially when I have handled one of the boys before going into my room. At least my boys have never reacted on smell of other bunnies before they was fixed.

Also her droppings don’t have the best smell right now. She’s a moody and a smelly girl. I got some nice bite marks from her.

So its time to book a spay for this month and let her get off the high wagon of hormones 😂 It was just a time question but I had hoped it wasn’t the territorial behavior she got. I would rather have the loss of litter habits but that’s what she do really well.

She have also gotten a craving of relentlessly chew things even when the cage is open she will chew the bars. I give her toys but she go for chewing bars, rubber and plastic. While wood like fresh branches, different chew toys and toilets roll go safe in my room. I can’t figure out why she pick rubber over wood. Maybe it’s hormones craving she got.
Welcome to the joy of moody teenage girl buns :p So glad I'm not dealing with that anymore. Though truth be told, even spayed, my girls are still quite moody little things. And that at 8 years old. Seems like moodiness never quite leaves us girls 🤣

Your rabbits are all so adorable! Odin is just this cute tiny furball, with his tiny little nethie face. And Toste looks so smooshy and cuddly. And Embla is just a gorgeous bun to look at, though I'm sure you'll be really glad to get past the territorial hormonal teenage phase.
My bunnies are doing great and they are really happy. Embla have destroyed 2 carpets but at least she binky every day and allow me to cuddle with her. She’s not used to be picked up yet but it’s a working process. I’m not being as active on the forum because of a lot of things is happening in life right now. So I only have the energy to focus on every day life and my bunnies ☺️

Next week I’m going to trim Embla claws which they definitive need but my little brother is always running away from me. So I’m planning to use my friend instead if he stills avoiding me next week.
Hey everyone, I have been away for a while because I started to work and a little over a month from now I’m getting my own apartment.

So what’s the new thing that have happened the last year and this. I succefully bonded Odin and Embla but that was broken after my parents watch over them a few weeks ago and kept them separated from each other. So I will have to rebond them again. I have a new addition in the family which is Fenris. Her full name is Fenrisulven which means the Fenris wolf from the nordic mythology. My partner named her, so we call her Fenris. 70868D5E-2300-41F7-9E93-5BA75EC5E715.jpeg

She have a lot of attitude and not afraid of anything. Super curious and truly a bossy girl. Fenris is a netherland dwarf but she’s a big girl for a nethie, so I don’t think she got the dwarf gene. I got another netherland dwarf because my partner can handle their fur. My partner is allergic to bunnies but he loves them and wanted everyone to have a friend. Fenris will be Toste bonded mate and I hope they will fit together. Because Fenris have a forward personality who feels safe in most situations while Toste is skittish and scared. At least Toste have never shown any aggression towards Fenris which he did towards Embla, Odin and Lilja. So I’m crossing my fingers they will click. I know he wants a friend.

I hope everyone are having a good day 🐰🐰🐰🐰
Welcome back to the forum!
Hoping for a bright future for your fur family!
Congratulations on the new addition! She's a beauty ♥ I hope bonding goes well with Toste. Always a good sign when they aren't acting aggressive from the start.
Congratulations on the new addition! She's a beauty ♥ I hope bonding goes well with Toste. Always a good sign when they aren't acting aggressive from the start.

Thanks, they live next to each other but can’t touch. I will have to wait until Fenris is spayed to bond them but it’s the first time Toste isn’t attacking the fence or lifting up his tail when seeing another bunny which he have done with all the other bunnies in the family. He mostly ignores her and will sniff her.

I will have to wait 4 months for a spay and healing up until I can properly start the bonding and I hope Fenris personality won’t change too much. She’s 3 months old ☺
Such beautiful bunnies and unique names. Embla and Odin are adorable.
My bun is Peter, I was told he is a Netherlands dwarf but few months down the road he kept getting bigger and bigger so he can’t be one due to his size. I found out that he’s a Dutch bunny.
He’s adorable, but hates being carried and I’m trying to get him leash trained but he will have nothing to do with it.
Maybe it’s because he is 9months old and it’s too late, I want to take him outside so he can’t walk on the grass and explore the outdoors and not just be in my room. Any suggestions? He also loves chewing up my fake leather bed headrest and the sides of my bed even though I have used fencing around my bed. Very very curious bunny.


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Such beautiful bunnies and unique names. Embla and Odin are adorable.
My bun is Peter, I was told he is a Netherlands dwarf but few months down the road he kept getting bigger and bigger so he can’t be one due to his size. I found out that he’s a Dutch bunny.
He’s adorable, but hates being carried and I’m trying to get him leash trained but he will have nothing to do with it.
Maybe it’s because he is 9months old and it’s too late, I want to take him outside so he can’t walk on the grass and explore the outdoors and not just be in my room. Any suggestions? He also loves chewing up my fake leather bed headrest and the sides of my bed even though I have used fencing around my bed. Very very curious bunny.

It takes time to train your bunnies. If you are going with harness and leash I would recommend you to first teach your bunny to accept being picked up. Because when you walk outdoors in harness you need your bunny to trust you being close and that you might pick them up if needed.

My bunny Toste took over a year to bond and allow me to pick him up. When I leash train my bunnies I do it indoors with treats, later I will do it outdoors in a place where I know the area and have good spots to look around. I always have treats on me which are often just their normal pellets and one high value treat. I use this to make sure they have focus on me when I call their name and I can easily pick them up. I often pick my bunnies up if I spot a dog, loud cars etc. As to make sure they are safe and calm. It can be easier to set up a x-pen outdoors and use a travel cage as a way to pick up if your bunny isn’t an escape artist.

Toste in his pen:

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