My girl hates being brushed, she doesn't even like me petting her, and I don't pick her up. Slick flooring helps a lot, I put one hand on her head to control her, and go to work with the other. Just holding the head down and blocking her from going forward, sometimes that's quite a rodeo
. Or I stuff her between my legs when I knee on the floor and pluck fistfulls of fur from her rear. Sometimes it helps to give her some hay so she can bite into something other than my hand or clothes.
I use a brush too, petting fur off even with wet hands doesn't amount to much, that doesn't even make a dent, just leaves me covered in fur.
Whatever you do, do it consequently and with confidence, no discussion or apologies, what needs to be done gets done. And most important: The treat right afterward, and a cuddle if your rabit allows it.