Rabbits definitely can be quite difficult for first pets. My first pet was a fish but when I was 5 or 6, I got a hamster. He lived for three years, and died when I was 8. By then, I loved hamsters so much that I got another one when he passed away. That hamster died three years after that. When I was 11, and then I got a rabbit, a year later.
I loved my hamster. He was cheap, he didn’t need to go to the vet (although I did have a vet for him). I fed him, interacted with him, and cleaned his pen.
Rabbits, however, were another story. They were expensive, needed a lot of space, and are ‘little balls’ of trouble as my older brother calls my rabbit, after he snuck into his room and severed the wire to his tv. I’m 13, and yes, I do own a rabbit. I pay for a majority of his things, aside from his vet bills, which my parents pay for. Rabbit proofing my room was easy and fairly cheap. But vet bills can be a pain and are so expensive.
Do some research on both pets, and decide which one works best