Halloween's Coming

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The Headless Ghost Bunny:


Not really, he's just FAST!



naturestee wrote:
OMG Alice! I collected Breyers for years, butthankfully never got into the whole pedigree thing.Thankfully I never even heard of it. All of my horses arestill at my parents, as it would be a giant pain to move them all fromapartment to apartment.
Yay, Breyers! :D Yeah, not too many people get intothe pedigree assignment thing... sometimes it seems like were're sortof"freaks among freaks". ;D I have to admit, though,that it's fun to watch people's reactions when they first come to myhouse:

"Wow. That's a lot of horses."

"Yeah, I guess... and they all have names! Try me... pick one!"


"Windham Erl."


"Ghostwood Weetzie Bat."


"Allehelgensdag Hedgewitch."

"Okaaaay... that's a little weird."

"Y'think? It gets weirder... most of them have full pedigrees, too, & some have show records..."


The great thing about pedigree assignment, compared to other model horse-related hobbies, is that it's free. ;D

Did Goblin actually let you put that on?:shock:
Ha! Oh, I've done much worse things to Goblin... ;}


Goblin has the misfortune of "Crying Wolf" pretty muchconstantly. I've had him since he was about the size& shape of a Beanie Baby, & nothing bad has everhappened to him (he's close to 9 years old, now) ... yet if anybodyever picks him up, he screams as though he's being tortured.He rarely struggles, though... just sits & screams... and lookscrazy angry

After a few years of Goblin always acting like he was being tortured,we figured we may as well get some fun out of the deal. Hedoesn't scream any more while being dressed in baby clothes than hedoes when he's just being held. ;D

For the record, we don't dress him up often, & he never staysdressed long... but I fully admit that I'm not above "exploiting" mypets for my own amusement from time to time. ;}

Oh, wow, Carolyn! Gypsy's ghost bunnies picture is awesome beyond belief!

I'm actually very interested in "real" ghost photography, &this is an excellent example of how difficult it can be todifferentiate between completely normal camera quirks, & moreinexplicable "phenomenon". Also a terrific exampleof how wonderful "fake" ghost pictures often are! :}

Here're a couple of spooky fun Meat pix...




:laugh:What a DopeI am , sitting here and Looking at thepictures of Meat in shadows LOL , all Icould vision is a remake of"Night of the Lepus" starring none oftherthan MEAT as the main character ! , Thosepictures are Horror movie Perfect ! ,
I just LOVE halloween!


My friends and I are thinking of becoming a pepsi six pack! LOLS.
I was cracking up so much when my friends were planning it at lunch time.

It would be so awesome dressing up as a six pack! Wouldn't it?

Since the topic is all with Halloween, I'm wondering if any costumestores or even Petco or Petsmart are selling halloween costumes forrabbits? Those would be adorable! Although, even though we might thinkthey look gorgeous, I don't think they'll like it at all? Darn.

I mean, if they make little dog sweaters and costumes, how aboutrabbits??! C;mon now! I can't wait till Halloween arrives! CANDY! *yumyum*


"As Darkness falls, one must be aware of theGhost Rabbit that gaurds hutches on this night to prevent Evil itselffrom harming the rabbits on this Halloween night."


Just a reminder to all who own outdoor rabbits, to help outthe Ghost Rabbit, to ensure safety of your loved ones on the31st.

-Ashley & The Boys
Cute outfit, FM.

* * * * * * * *

Let's see more ghost pictures, Folks!

They were definitely Cool!

FreddysMom wrote:
What is everyone being for Halloween???

here's mine ... meet Malice!

:dude:Nice outfit!! I'm not doing anything thisyear, but last year I was a 'farm girl' - did the pig tails and strawhat and polka dot farmer girl shirt, but then had an excuse just towear Jeans and boots. Halloween is SO cold here every year.


So sorry, BunnyMom. I know thatfeeling and it really is a bummer. It's just how Linus feltwhen the Great Pumpkin didn't arrive. Looks like we'll haveto wait 'til next year.

You can get the tape, but of course, it's not the same without the commercials.

You won't miss Rudolph. It's usually on the first week inDecember. We'll all have to keep an eye out for you on thatone. That Has to be seen with commercials too.


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