naturestee wrote:
OMG Alice! I collected Breyers for years, butthankfully never got into the whole pedigree thing.Thankfully I never even heard of it. All of my horses arestill at my parents, as it would be a giant pain to move them all fromapartment to apartment.
Yay, Breyers!

Yeah, not too many people get intothe pedigree assignment thing... sometimes it seems like were're sortof"freaks among freaks". ;D I have to admit, though,that it's fun to watch people's reactions when they first come to myhouse:
"Wow. That's a lot of horses."
"Yeah, I guess... and they all have names! Try me... pick one!"

"Windham Erl."

"Ghostwood Weetzie Bat."

"Allehelgensdag Hedgewitch."
"Okaaaay... that's a little weird."
"Y'think? It gets weirder... most of them have full pedigrees, too, & some have show records..."
The great thing about pedigree assignment, compared to other model horse-related hobbies, is that it's free. ;D
Did Goblin actually let you put that on?:shock:
Ha! Oh, I've done much worse things to Goblin... ;}
Goblin has the misfortune of "Crying Wolf" pretty muchconstantly. I've had him since he was about the size& shape of a Beanie Baby, & nothing bad has everhappened to him (he's close to 9 years old, now) ... yet if anybodyever picks him up, he screams as though he's being tortured.He rarely struggles, though... just sits & screams... and lookscrazy angry
After a few years of Goblin always acting like he was being tortured,we figured we may as well get some fun out of the deal. Hedoesn't scream any more while being dressed in baby clothes than hedoes when he's just being held. ;D
For the record, we don't dress him up often, & he never staysdressed long... but I fully admit that I'm not above "exploiting" mypets for my own amusement from time to time. ;}