Well-Known Member
One night when i was younger me and my friends(no longer my friends..... horrible people but thats a different story)when trick or treating, but we went out late so most of the sweets hadgone.
That was untill we went to one house and said "trickor treat" and there stood a worried looking man with his wife "um......we gave all our chocolates out earlier to other children i havenothing" our smiles dropped and a moment of silence"oh wellthen" he said while reaching into his back pocket " you can all sharethis", he had handed three of us a ten pound note (about 20 dollars)"wow thank you" we walked down his driveway grinning like cats whilealso hearing his wife say to him "why did you do that? that money couldhave bought us food, you stupid man!" poor guy, i bet he had a badnight sleeping on the sofa. 
Catherine x

Catherine x