Hair loss on nose? Inflamed! Help mee.

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Mar 18, 2009
Reaction score
, Florida, USA
So my bunny was a perfect little bunny, until recently. I noticed something on her face, and I thought it was a little cut that'd simply heal. It's been a few days, and I think it's getting worse. I don't know how to describe what it is. I don't think it's painful, she doesn't react when I lightly press my finger upon it.



What is it?
How can I treat it?
Help, pleasee. :pray:
That looks pretty odd. Is it puffy and swollen or is it just missing hair?

Is there any other sores elsewhere, like around her genitals?

Is she eating normally?

Do the gums around that area look normal?

Where are you located?

How old is she? (And what breed is she, and what does she weight, just for reference).

sas :?
It basically looks like a human scab, except white, and in that formation.
yes, she's eating normally.
everything about her is normal, except that.
i'm in south florida.
i don't know how old she is, or her breed/weight.
She needs to see a vet; if it isn't syphylis then possibly a fungul infection >
anyway she needs to see a vet if its syphylis the treatment would be an injection of benzathine penicillin per week X 3 weeks
I don't think it's scabby enough for syphilis, although we're thinking along the same lines, which is why I asked about the genitals as well. It is possible.

But it may be ringworm, which tends to be more of a 'bare skin' thing.

Do you see any other patches around her feet or anything? Is it getting larger pretty rapidly?

Here's a page on ringworm.

Do you have any idea at all how old she is? How long have you had her? Has she been stressed at all lately?

sas :?
Pipp wrote:
I don't think it's scabby enough for syphilis, although we're thinking along the same lines, which is why I asked about the genitals as well. It is possible.

But it may be ringworm, which tends to be more of a 'bare skin' thing.

Do you see any other patches around her feet or anything? Is it getting larger pretty rapidly?

Here's a page on ringworm.

Do you have any idea at all how old she is? How long have you had her? Has she been stressed at all lately?

sas :?
You might be right.
I have never seen syphllis except in pics
Pipp wrote:
I don't think it's scabby enough for syphilis, although we're thinking along the same lines, which is why I asked about the genitals as well. It is possible.

But it may be ringworm, which tends to be more of a 'bare skin' thing.
I agree. It looks very simular to ringworm if this is the case you can ask your vet or see if your local feed store might have a bunny safe ointment to treat it.
I'd definately go to the vet to have it tested. It looks a lot like a fungal infection, which can sometimes be difficult to get under control. Does the bunny go outside in the grass at all?

I agree that it looks more like ringworm but could also be syphillis. Without a red scab, I wouldn't think it's a simple cut due to another bunny biting. It also doesn't look a lot like pics I've seen of syphillis but it could be an early stage. My best guess is ringworm. Vet Time!
she doesn't go outside at all.
she had slight hair loss on her hind legs, but all the hair's grown back.
I've had her for 2 weeks.
Any vet would be able to do a culture or use a UVA blacklight to determine if it is a fungal infection. Since some fungal infections can easily be transmitted to humans and because they can occasionally be difficult to treat, I'd have this checked out ASAP.


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