OK guys, gonna write something that I don't want anyone to confuse or misconstrue as
proper medical advice
(Personal human story). I had a really bad UTI a few years ago. Woke up crying and screaming in pain. Went to ER, given strong meds to clear up UTI. Went to chiropractor for some acupuncture to relieve the pain/assist with healing the urinary tract.
There was concern that I was developing a bladder stone. Put on powdered cranberry pills, told to drink LOTS of cranberry juice.
At the time, he said to me that if I developed a stone, it would be possible to disintegrate the stone with the consumption of like 2-3 big bottles of Pepsi.
It never developed, so we didn't go ahead with it. DOn't know if it would have worked or not. I am wondering if the abrasive acids in pepsi are available in a different format to do a similar job on a bunny. IE a vet equivalent.
Perhaps it is worth asking what a doctor would do for a human, and see if there is a suitable option for bun.
Was also wondering if you would consider taking Chase to an alternative medicines healer/vet. I know it may sound like mumbo-jumbo, but there are some compounds that can help (who's properties are put into regular drugs for commercial consumption). When you feel that you have run out of options with your vet, there may be someone in the naturopathic field who can help.
I don't really feel strongly about holistic medicines... all I know is that I received acupuncture regularly while getting through the UTI, and I felt a lot better.
Found this site:
and this one:
ONE more...
If you are running out of traditional vet solutions, this may be the next step...
I recognize there is a bank account limit, and a limit to the number of surgeries that she can get through successfully
Call/email a few folks, and see what they propose, and whether or not it can be done for a bun. Most have traditional practice training, then holistic training...
*** I don't discount the ability of conventional vets in any way! ***
* I really don't want someone to read this in the future and actually try it without thinking!