Guinness barely eats his hay

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Active Member
Jul 16, 2012
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas, USA
Is it normal for Guinness to barely eat hay? He doesn't seem to care much about it. I always have a lot of hay for him. It usually takes him to eat a handful about 2-3 days. He was a year old when I got him and his original owners never fed him any hay. They didn't even know they were supposed to. All he had in his wire bottom cage was a food bowl and water bottle and he was never allowed out of his cage. Is it detrimental to his health not eat that much hay or has his body gotten used to a no hay diet?
A lot of rabbits don't like hay. What are you feeding him? What type? If it is only one, try giving him other samples to try (orchard, oat (you have to pick out the oats depending on the cut), grass), etc...
A couple tricks to try is give him a few pellets in his dish no more then five and then a portion of hay. The pellets will perk his appetite and he will turn to the hay.
You can also try lightly misting the hay with a little apple juice. Both of these tricks work with Muppet who is a poor hay eater.
Try to limit the pellets. I also have a rabbit that does not eat much hay. I tried 4 different kinds and in the end it took her over 1 month with 1 kind and a new hay rack and a friend and now she eats a little bit. She also does not eat much pellets or drink much water.
Try different types of hay, and even the same kind from different sources. My guys get "bored" of what I give them, so I have to toss something else in with their hay to spice it up for them.

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