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Ooh, that's an interesting question!

I know both my males are bigger than my female...maybe it depends on the breed?
I think that in a lot of breeds the females arelarger than the males. If you look up breed standards on the ARBA theylist both male/female weights and I am pretty sure that most of thetime the girls are bigger.

Hope someone who knows for sure posts.

Fergi's mom
The females of a givenbreed tend to bearound 1/2 pound or more larger than the males. Except in the dwarfbreeds, and then they're about the same. Wouldn't you want to be biggerthan the male if you had to have his kids??

Anyway, somebody correct me if I'm wrong. Just trying to remember myStandard of Perfection (ARBA book that lists all the breeds and theirstandards of what the perfect rabbit should be.)

As far as *growing* faster, I don't think so. I think it's just that the females grow *MORE* not necessarily faster.

In general, the female rabbits of all breeds tendto get larger than the males. But that doesn't mean thatthere aren't large size variations within breeds and certainly somemales get very large.

i have two 5 month kits named buddy(male) and angel(female).

well anyways angel looks like she probally weighs about two to two and a half ponds more than buddy.
iloveallrabbits wrote:
i have two 5 month kits named buddy(male) and angel(female).
Not quite kits anymore... more like the a couple of scary teenagers in rabbit years! EVERYBODY HIDE!!!!

Are they different breeds??
i know they are my little devils. my buddy isalready spraying his territoy( that stuff smells so bad, especially ifi don't clean out the litterbox every day. they are getting ti thepoint were if they dont know who you are than you better not put yourhands in the cage or they will try to bite your finger off and angel isjust so sweet she loves to cuddle with any one as long as you got atreat or any kind of food with you she will love you. themotherroxanne is also the sweetest thing.


when a rabbit ispregnent do they sometimes pull out some fur hour before they have alitter?:dude:


iloveallrabbits wrote:

when a rabbit ispregnent do they sometimes pull out some fur hour before they have alitter?:dude:

It all depends on the doe. I've got some does that pull fur a few daysbefore they have their litter. I've got does that pull loads of furright before they have their litter. I've also got does that pull somefur, have the kits, then pull more fur.

So it seems to be just the does preference. ;)


i was just wondering because this morning i wentto the cage and i saw a couple of piles of pure white fur(on thestomach of my do she is pure white)

i belive that she is pregnant because she developed a HUGE dewlap a fewweeks ago and someone told me that sometimes means that they arepregnant. she started eating more than she usually does about a week ortwo ago.

well, is she in the same cage with the buck????? If so, she probably is pregnant.

And NOOOO!!! they don't get big old dewlaps when they getpregnant (ok, well sometimes they do, but it wouldn't becalled a sign that they are pregnant.) She's getting a dewlapbecause she is the age when does get dewlaps. Also if she'seating more it doesn't mean that she's pg, but it could cause her toget a dewlap.

If she is in a cage next to the buck's where she can see him and smellhim and rub noses with him, then she might be having falsepregnancy.

All the same, it might not be a bad idea to give her a nest box--andsoon! (hey...maybe that's why she's 2.5 pounds heavier thenthe buck??????) (or some of it!) What breed are they?

Bo B Bunny wrote:
Yep. My bobee is a little fat munchkin :)

And my Faye is one big girl so I think its very interesting questionyou brought up. I would love to hear more about this topic,I'll be in watching this thread for some more input.


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