Grieving, how to move on

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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2005
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Pittsburgh Pa, , USA
I have greived before. When my grandfather passed away. But this one is different.

All day since I have come home from spending the night at my parents I have not stopped crying for my sister.

My sister passed away November 15th 2007. Just 4 days before my grandfathers 10 year anniversary since he passed away.

Alot of things has happened in my family since I have married my husband. Not a good one either. But in those 7 years my relationship with my sister was not very strong like every sisters relationship should have.

Now that my sister is gone, I can not have that good relationship. I am just wondering grieving like that is cause I could not have a good relationship with her.

My relationship with her husband and children has been reestablished.
I think grief can be so much more overwhelming when we felt that there were unresolved issues that we never hada chance to "fix". Visiting your parents brings all these issues back up.

You've already begin a journey to heal ties with your sister's spirit by becoming closer to her family. Spending more time with her children will be good for them as well as you.

Group therapy can also help you work through your grief.

I sure wish I had an answer for you. I know it's so debilitating.

Pam has good advice and I agree that you are working through some issues by getting closer to her family. Be strong for your nieces. You might become a very important female figure for them in the future.

I don't have the answer for you.. . I lost my brother 8 years ago and i am still greiving... though it is bearable now... i didn't know if i would get thru it... my friends didn't want to talk about it and my husband was an only child a didn't understand about loss of a sibling... i still cry ... it will take you time as for everyone is different... you sister knows you love her... I will keep you in my prayers...
Thank you everyone.

I know talking to my online friends or even my best friends I hung out with on line helps me too.

When I am with them It helps me alot. But when I return home. I grieve alot. If I had my license and a car, I'd load my car up and move in. lol
I know exactly how your feel.

My father passed away july 30th, Exactly 2 weeks after my birthday.

We never had a good relationship like you and your sister did not either.

I think we learn alot once a close one passed. Never take your family for granted.

Live everyday as if it's thier and your last.

Im sure you wanted to fix your relationship with her, And you din't have the chance.

I learned something that helps:

Write letters to her. Like write a letter tell her how you feel just like if she were here. Put it in an envalope and in a box. It feels right away as if you actually sent it.

Oh Sweetie...I really wish words could help, or I could find ANY that I feel like would help...

I wish I could give you a hug, and let you cry with me for hours...
Writing a letter is a good idea. I may just do that. I am been under the weather for a week and half now. I am not getting better. i had some good days but mostly bad. lol hurting, sick in the tum, strep, and stuff.
Hard to believe that Jan 15th marked 2 months since my sister went on home. I am still having a hard time with this.

I know part of it is that my sister and my husband did not make ammends because my sister has not been able to get well since her surgery. A year in april already. Where did the time go.

I keep looking at her in a picture I printed up when they went to NC in August of last year. I am glad she went, so the kids can remember the last vacation they had with their mom on the beach.

I feel so bad for the kids because they are so young. Samantha will be 13 on March 22nd and Justin will be 10 on March 19th.

Also we are moving back to Pittsburgh so I can be close to my family. My mom and my brother in law needs my help with the kids for awhile. I need to be there for them. I made them so happy when I spent a few days during Christmas, as well as 2 weekends this month.

I need to be there for my mom especially. Cause I am all she got left. Only daughter and it is hard for her. She told me to please take care of my self, try not to get hurt or anything and be safe. Cause I do not know if I could live again if I had to bury you. I promised her that I will make sure that I take care of my self and be careful. But I also told her that things do happen in life time for a reason and she knows it.

I will be going away quite often with Samantha for her competitions. She is in Primire Cheerleading program where they do cheer compititions like you see on TV. Yeah she is very good.

I wish I had words to take away the heartache and pain that goes along with losing someone so dear to you. Grieving is such a personal thing...the time, the depth of pain, etc., is all so individual. Give yourself plenty of time to get through this; when the pain comes, allow it to flowthrough you. Don't suppress it...let it come out. I think Pam had a wonderful idea in suggesting group therapy; for many it is so comforting just to get together with others who are going through similar experiences/grief. One thing I think that is extremely important is to not carry any guilt or frustration over things that might or might not have happened, or unresolved issues, etc. These - if you are feeling any of it - are important to let go.

Your sister's children will find it quite difficult, yes; but with loving support of family members and friends, they will get through this. I lost my mom when I was 10, and it was very difficult for me, but in looking back it truly did shape who I am today. Of course given the choice, that's the onething in my life I'd love to change...there's not a day that goes by where I don't still miss her...but I do believe everything happens for a reason, and I am so grateful for the time I did get to spend with her. Even though I was young when she left, she still taught me so much about life that I will never forget, and the memories of her that I do have can never be taken away.

I'm so sorry for your loss, and for the inevitable pain that has accompanied it...embrace your mom, embrace your sister's children...and know that you have a huge extended family here too, whenever you need to talk.


You know exactly how my nephew feels for him being almost ten as well as Samantha being almost 13. A good friend of mine from church lost her mom when she just turned 13 so she knows what it is like loosing a mom that age too.

Onec I move back home, I know I will do a bit better. Also everytime I am in Pgh I feel my sisters Presence around me. She is buried just down the street from my parents place so I can even take a bus there to visit if I want to.

I know it is hard for me to sit here and watch all my families talk with their sisters, and It does hurt because mine is not there to talk with me. But I do have my family no matter what.

Everyone does grieve differently too. I try not to let it effect me too much because I have a husband I have to be around for too and I can not shut my life out because of this too. My sister would rather see me happy than sad same with everyone else. I just wish I had more time with her before she got bad. I only seen her once last year before she was sedated on Morphine. I was with her when she passed away peacefully. I am so happy that she did not suffer when she passed away. It was a beautiful thing for her, just what she wanted.

She was in alot of pain, suffering, sick alot, uncomfortable. Now she can breath, have fun, run, soak up the sun, walk on the beach that she loved to do and stuff like that.
SweetPeasMommie wrote:

I know it is hard for me to sit here and watch all my families talk with their sisters, and It does hurt because mine is not there to talk with me. But I do have my family no matter what.

Who says you can't talk to her


I guess you can, But I think somebody may think your :craziness

SweetPeasMommie wrote:
You know exactly how my nephew feels for him being almost ten as well as Samantha being almost 13. A good friend of mine from church lost her mom when she just turned 13 so she knows what it is like loosing a mom that age too.

Onec I move back home, I know I will do a bit better. Also everytime I am in Pgh I feel my sisters Presence around me. She is buried just down the street from my parents place so I can even take a bus there to visit if I want to.

I know it is hard for me to sit here and watch all my families talk with their sisters, and It does hurt because mine is not there to talk with me. But I do have my family no matter what.

Everyone does grieve differently too. I try not to let it effect me too much because I have a husband I have to be around for too and I can not shut my life out because of this too. My sister would rather see me happy than sad same with everyone else. I just wish I had more time with her before she got bad. I only seen her once last year before she was sedated on Morphine. I was with her when she passed away peacefully. I am so happy that she did not suffer when she passed away. It was a beautiful thing for her, just what she wanted.

She was in alot of pain, suffering, sick alot, uncomfortable. Now she can breath, have fun, run, soak up the sun, walk on the beach that she loved to do and stuff like that.

Of course your sister would not want you to be sad...and I think part of honoring the memory of a loved one is to be able to live your own life with happiness, and filled with happy memories. Never hold any regrets for the past, for it only tends to keep you in pain. Instead, focus upon the happy moments, no matter how many or few there may have been.

How wonderful that you were there when your sister passed away...many do not get that opportunity. When my mom died, I hadn't seen her in several weeks, as she had been wisked off to the hospital for surgery, and once they found that the cancer had spread, they opted (not sure dad, my mom, the drs, maybe everyone) to keep her there until she passed. And my sister and I were not allowed to go to the hospital and visit her, so we never really got to say goodbye. We had no clue she was that sick, and the way I found out about her passing was when a neighbor's daughter approached and told me how sorry she was about my mom. When I said, 'That's okay'...thinking she meant she was sorry my mother was sick, she said, "I'm really sorry she died". Apparently she had passed away that morning and the word got around the neighborhood, but my dad had decided not to tell my sister and I until that evening. So it was quite a shock to hear this coming from another child, esp. when I didn't even realize my mother was dying.

My son, Stephen, had to deal with a lot of grief when he lost his dad last year...there had been some tension between them, a rather strained relationship throughout Stephen's life, and when he learned his father (Bob) was dying, he was very torn about what to do. He was living almost 1500 miles away from him, attending college, and Stephen's stepmother didn't seem to want him to see his dad (she thought my son's presence might be upsetting to Bob). In the end my son phoned his dad and kept in contact with him for the next several days, until his passing...and the tension and strained relationship finally got resolved. But even if it hadn't, I do believe that those who cross over to the other side hold no negative emotions any is all about love. No forgiveness, for there is nothing to forgive...ever. There is only the love and soul connection that we shared with them. It is up to those left here to let go of any regrets, anger, sorrow, or whatever other emotions that may serve to keep us in pain, and to love and honor those we have lost in the physical.

I do believe your sister will be watching out for you, keeping you close and surrounding you with her love. It sounds like she had a wonderful passing! And yes, you can talk with her whenever you want. She will always be with you know, you feel her presence. Don't be surprised if you see little physical reminders of her as well in the coming years...sometimes our loved ones will do this, just as a nudge to say "I'm still here...I'm in your heart".

SPM, I just saw this thread today and wanted to let you know you and your family will be in my prayers. I can't really add anything to what has already been said here but know that we are all here for you.

Brandy, Bassett and Dan thank you for your kind words.

I know I can talk to her anytime I want. What I mean is when I am with my family during holidays, or even just hanging around, I see them talking with their sisters, it is hard.

But I will never sit there and pout, because that is not what she wants, I will be sad and hurt but I know I can talk to anyone there too cause they are my sisters in many ways.

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