Greetings from frigid Mn

Rabbits Online Forum

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Mar 3, 2014
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Hi, my name is Robert. I recently adopted two light silver flemish giant rabbits. One buck, and one doe. I intend to have the male neutered on monday, and I have seperated them as of this evening. I guess what piqued my interest in flemish giants was their giant size initally, but once I actually got these two home I realized how docile, and social this breed is. They interact with us constantly, and the buck is content to sit on my lap for hours at a time. Anyways, sorry I ran on, and Greetings!!!!!



Welcome! I believe their colour is Chinchilla.

The bun in the last pic looks like it has sore ears, could be a case of ear mites? You might consider taking them to get a general well-bunny health check just to make sure all's good!
Hey there, and welcome to the forum :) I can certainly see what you mean about the staining a bit, the female is the back one in the top image and also in the bottom one? The baby wipes should help with the smell, but the staining will likely remain until she sheds her coat. The ear does look a little red, might be worth getting it checked out just in case :) Otherwise, they are fantastic looking bunns, love the colour. I've always had an interest in flemmies, hopefully one day I'll have the space to own one :)
WOW what a great looking pair of buns...Welcome to the forum i look forward to hearing more about them and seeing more pics.
Beautiful colors :)

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