Gravy does NOT have cancer

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maybe it was just hers or just that she was so little. It broke our hearts cause we got it for her as a new house cause she was getting bigger (still a baby) and she died in it :(
He didn't get to go. They were so busy on Friday that she couldn't work him in. I have to take him on my days off. Tuesday I am going to try again. I don't want to wait any longer on this.
I know, I know....feet are tapping and watches are being watched. Vet has late hours today 12-8, I will be going at 4 so the sitter will be here to watch Olivia. She is home with pneumonia. I can't take her out.
Wow! I'm so relieved!!!!!! He doesn't have cancer, the lumps have actually broken open and now appear to have been bot flies. Severe infection, cleaned it all out. Have some medicine for that. I feel like an idiot. But of course I have never seen a bot fly infestation before. Now I will know.

Edited to remove nasty images with links for the squeamish


Wow....that's grrrrooooossss! I'm so glad he doesn't have cancer though. But wow, I can't get over the looks of those sores. Does he only have those two? Are they on his stomach? Do they get them from being outside? I think there was another guy on the forum that had a bot fly come out of his nose. That was gross too, but wow, poor Gravy.
Oh happy to hear it's not cancer. (I hope you don't mind...I put a graphic pictures warning on the title, just because it kinda turned my tummy...but not a big deal. :))

Wow...goes to show yet another reason to take your bun to the vet, just in case, huh? Wow...poor Gravy! Glad he's okay now, though...and I'll be watching to see continued updates...and continue praying. :)

Hugs to you both!

That is absolutely disgusting! I had never seen what they do and I hope I never have to again! I am so happy that Gravy is ok! What did they say about the weight loss? was it the bots??

I love my Gravy boy! thank God he's ok!!!

Did you take him to the vet? did they break open at home? DETAILS!!!!!!!!!

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