Going to the vet

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Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2008
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Elkton, Maryland
Something seems wrong with Simon. He isn't moving, eating or pooping as of this morning. We are leaving right now for the vet as soon as I look up the directions.
Please keep us in your thoughts...

I'll say a prayer for Simon.:pray:

Simon get well soon.

Thanks all for your well wishes.

SO! He is being a stinker. Doesn't want to eat or drink really and I am not sure when he stopped pooping, but I cleaned up his room this morning say around 9:30. At noon? I went back in to sit and have a drink and relax for a moment. I had been doing outside yard work.
No poop, his pellets and water were untouched and he was sitting in the same place he was this morning. Didn't care I went in there either. That is SO not like him.
I called the Vet..Dr. Bishop was in today..made the appointment and we went.

She said:
He has some wax build up in his ears. More in the right than the left, but there is nothing wrong with them. His teeth look good for now but if he doesn't start eating more hay we might encounter a problem soon on that accord.
His tummy sounds fine, but she could not really feel the "line of poop"? that is normal. We did the gram stain. It shows nothing bad. No coccidia, no clostridum, no bad yeast etc.

She said say away from the sugars. She wants to see him on some romaine, lay off the pumpkin because it could be habit forming in a sense. That he won't eat because I took it away now sort of thing. (I am not repeating it all as she said, but it is the general idea.
We just got home 10 minutes ago. So I am to give him a little time to settle back in and see if he eats. If by 4 - 4:30 he still hasn't touched anything I am to start with critical care. She said that should hydrate him well enough so don't worry about forcing water on him. 30-60cc's every 4-6 hours. Small poops show he is not eating enough, being so brittle shows he is not drinking enough.
She would like to see us steer away from adding the white grape, start to gradually change over to the timothy based pellet and leave off with the alfalfa hay when we finish this bag. He has achieved his full body mass. She does not feel he will get any bigger. Maybe 4lbs. He is 3 and half right now.
There is more...but my head is jumbled with everything we went over.
She said this could kind of be a pattern with him. Eats a lot, stops...kinda have to kick start him again and so on. She was not concerned with the poops we showed her. She felt good about them except for how dry they are. If things are not improving within the next few days give her a call. But she feels we should be just fine.
She also felt the changes in weather, all these ups and downs we have had, and his hormones in overdrive can all contribute.
He has a neuter appointment set up for the 8th.

She feels this could just be a sort of pattern with him.

I think that is about it...just wanted to let everyone know where we are....so please keep your fingers crossed he will start eating for me...and now I am off to annoy him to no end to eat something. :)

I'm glad he is okay :)

I'm feeding critical care to one of my buns right now as she went off her feed when she had surgery. My vet also told me not to worry about adding water, pedialyte, etc as the critical care provides enough fluid.

I hope Simon will start eating on his own, please keep us posted.
What a strange evening it has been man.

I don't know if the CC got more on me, him or in him. I would guess we got about 15 ML's in. Maybe...

Simon defies logic and I think he does it for kicks. He is more green than white now...lol Not really, but he has it all over his face.
I figure as we have some poop it is enough for tonight. He was really gettin mad. Bit down hard on my finger. He gets worse if you try to hold him for things like this.

Anywho...I am wiped from everything with today. The yardwork, Simon, the crap with my neighbor, dogs running loose this evening...a crazy day all in all.

I really don't get why he feels the need to be like this...sigh.

Anyone else dealing with a bun that just decided to not eat one day for no reason?
If so what did you do?

Advice is welcome...I don't know how to get him to eat this stuff.
Orchid wrote:
Anyone else dealing with a bun that just decided to not eat one day for no reason?
If so what did you do?

Advice is welcome...I don't know how to get him to eat this stuff.

Hey, sorry you had a crazy day, last thing you need right now:?.

And yes, someone else was just dealing with the not eating. Here's the link, it was Michaela:).

I'm surprised Simon doesn't like the critical care. My bun Dora seems to like it (atleast she doesn't fight me when feeding that like she is starting to do with the antibiotics)

Ihold her on my lap, put my right hand over her head lifting her cheeck with my thumb then insert the syringe into the corner ofher mouth from the side. I squeeze some into her mouth then let her have a chance to chew and swallow and then start again.

When I make mine up I don't make it too thin as it will be too runny and messy. You may have to play around with it a bit.

Is Simon eating anything at all? I have been able to tempt Dora with some romaine leaves but that is about all she is eating on her own.

Good luck, hopefully today will be better than yesterday :)
Hey guys...

I caught that thread Angel... Simon is not molting at all. The weather has been getting warmer but I would say it isn't drastic. It is 80 something today, but supposed to drop into the 60's tomorrow I believe...now that sucks. The increase seemed gradual enough....I don't know.

I made that mistake last night LTP....I think I made it too runny last night..made it thicker this morning. Nothing.

He is being a brat about it. I even wrapped him and was turning his head, hiding his nose, or would go completely still scaring me. I gave up and said enough. I was afraid of stressing him out too much.

The vet called here and asked how he was doing. I told them and they said they would have the doctor call me back.

He turned his nose up to pumpkin as well. He eats that rather well most times.
He has nippled some of his pellets, but not many. The bowl from yesterday still has 1/2 in it? Can't say I think he has even much hay either.
We have had some poops, but nothing like normal. Maybe a total and this is a guess, of 30? 40?

I am very worried about him now. I did think he would sorta pop back to himself today. Wishful thinking on my part I suppose.
I left the pumpkin plate in there. I know she said to get away from it, but he can't not eat right? Going to check on him again when I post this and than I have to go take care of stuff outside. My landlord doesn't like how I moved things so I have to get them put back by this evening...

Do you guys think this could be like him...being depressed or mad about being moved into the third room?
I only did it because I knew he would have more space and to help control where the pee has been ending up. He was used to being in the kitchen though. Would see me all day long even if I wasn't in there with him. I still go in the room all the time and Lina spends time with him before school and when she gets home.

My vet told me buns stress out and can go off their feed very easy. Pain, moving a cage, adding a new house pet, etc can all be of concern.

She gave Dora an injection of metoclopramide (reglan) to help get things in her stomach and intestinal tract moving along since she went off her feed. I am giving it to her orally now (three times a day until she is eating normally) it does seem to be helping her.

Maybe you should talk to your vet and explain how things are progressing. I don't think it's a good idea to stop the critical care if he isn't eating on his own.
I'm not stopping the CC...just giving up for the time being. He just won't take it.
Thinking maybe if I try to use his pellets and just make a slush...maybe he will take that? I will talk to her about all of it when she calls and see if she thinks we should start doing more. I had the impression she thought he would kinda bounce out of this by now.

All very frustrating...

I thought he would like that room better, he is basically never caged now. He can come and go from it as he likes. Maybe it was a mistake to move him. :(
I didn't think it would have this kind of effect and he was eating for the first few days of this move...
Yes, I agree it can be very frustrating....It *may* have nothing to do with moving him, who really knows. I suppose first we have to rule out any medical reason then go from there. Out of curiousity have you changed his food recently or even purchased a new bag of food?

I still don't know how Dora got hurt and that is very frustrating because I'm afraid it could happen again! I haven't let her out for any free time since she had surgery Monday evening (vet told me to keep her in her cage for a few days or so) I'm thinking if she continues to improve I can let her out for some play time soon but I'm scared. I may set up a pen instead of letting her have free run of the room.

Keeping my fingers crossed for Simon, please keep us updated.

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