Going to the vet

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I don't know how you'll feel about these options but I'm gonna throw them out there...

I have made critical care before with baby food mixed in for the fluid. I usually use banana baby food and specifically Beech Nut's "Chiquita Banana" vs. Gerber's Banana if I have it on hand. (You can even smell the difference when you open it).

Another option I've used is to use pedialyte (flavored) with the critical care. I've used bubble gum flavor (most of mine like that - some don't) and grape and the fruit flavor too.

Those are some things you might want to consider...

Hey all.

Simon seems alright now. He is drinking water fine without the white grape juice. His poops are not really brittle and he is indeed pooping. He is a stinker though,...when we would have a session "you need to eat"...he would fight me and fight me no matter what I did and than when I would let him go and give up for the time being he would go and start eating his pellets. I don't get him at all.
When I went in there today his bowl was empty of pellets. His hay was almost all gone too. Well the alfalfa was...and I caught him eating his timothy last night.
I am wondering how much the weather is playing a part in this. It dropped alot last night and is still very cool today and seems like he is eating better now.

I am really worried about the neuter now though. It seems like it is quite common a bun will need some help with eating during the healing phase and I know now he will NOT eat the CC. The few times I seemed to get some in I swear it was like he spit it back out. I will buy some of those baby foods Peg and keep them onhand incase...I hope with some of those mixed in he won't battle me so much again.

Yeah I was offspring..but he just wasn't having it. Talk about a struggle...I have a world of new scratches on me from fighting with him about this.

This really scared the crap out of me...but than I think Simon must get a kick out of it..lol.

I let him run around the house for a few minutes today. He was only out for like 3 minutes before he went back in his room so I said ok and closed it back up. I would have thought he would have been thrilled to be back out here, but maybe he is getting used to his room more and likes it in there now.
Hey, I'm glad to see Simon is eating again :cool:

I was hoping things were okay with him. Give the little stinker a scritch behind the ears for me :)
Thanks for asking,She is eating more and more on her own now. She is also fighting me more when I try to give her her meds. so that must be a sign that she is feeling better!
Oh thats so great to hear! Perhaps it is a funny time of year for them lol.
I really am glad she is doing better!

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