GI stasis

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ANd I just read about the fact the she does use the litter box - that cant be much of blockage because she does poo I must have read it wrong, so I would think that too regarding the vet
ANd you know if this is any help it is a bit embarassing but I had some thing like stasis with my intestines and I was eating and drinking and going to the bathroom too, but when they did an x ray it showed that at some places things were stuck and I had to take some things which also did not help, so it is just what some animals and people are prone to - the intestines dont work as well. I am sure the rabbits are a lot different in their GI but we all have similarities
Yeah I remember reading up on sedating and when I got her spayed 2 years ago even the humane society said it's not good to starve a rabbit. She's had stasis twice and both times she wouldn't eat or poop for a day or 2 and her stomach touched the ground, she looked uncomfrtable, etc. She seems happy and very active and is lovin her food. I've still been givin her a little critical care. I stopped the cisapride days ago and I only gave her metacam this morning. She doesn't seem to be in pain. Her stomach looks and feels pretty normal. She's definitely pooping alot too. Wasn't sure if I should try some more simethicone. I know she had a gas issue back in april and after a few doses she was fine.
Your bunny sounds OK now ..but you seriously might want to pm Julie and ask her for the name of a few vets. Julie runs Soulmate Rabbit Rescue in Waukesha so she is a great resource person, her forum name is Treasured Friend.

if you hadthe name of another vet it would be good in case some medical issue should come up in the future.
In terms of stasis you cannot really diagnose it by symptoms alone because it also could be an obstruction and they are dealt with differently
She's still eating and everything. Not sure if she's fully normal again. Is it alright to keep giving her critical care? The vet told me to cause the nutrition and stuff.
Well, if she's eating on her own, I would give her the critical care in a bowl if you want to keep giving it to her. You don't want her to develop "spoiled bunny syndrome" where she'll only eat out of a syringe! Maybe a few days with CC in a bowl along with normal food, gradually decreasing CC until it's just normal food that you give?
I give it to her on a plate :) didn't know if she'd gain weight or anything if I'm giving it to her along with hay and pellets. Today she seems okay. I'm heading to work soon so my dads going to check on her while I'm gone.
Well, it is a bit richer than the other food, so I wouldn't give it to her long term. Glad she's feeling better!
Alright. I gave her 2cc of baby gas medicine before I leave. Still thinkin she might be gasy. She seems okay though, minus the fact that she musta poked her eye with hay cause she keeps closing it. i see a teeny eye booger in it but hopefully she'll be okay.

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