GI stasis

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She's been eating, pooping and peeing the whole time that's what's weird but i can tell it's gi stasis. Not sure what bene-bac is??
Oh. Bene-Bac is a probiotic. I get it at Mounds or Petsmart in the dog/cat section. Here:

It comes in small tubes, a big tube, and a powder. Some picky bunnies don't like the gel, so the powder is better.

An equivalent product, you could probably find at Farm and Fleet or Tractor Supply or something is called ProBios for horses.

I'd get the gel, personally. I'd give 1g of any one of these products.

It sounds to me like she might have gas instead of stasis. Stasis is when the gut slows down or stops. Gas can lead to gut slowdown, pain, cramps, and a hard feeling. It also usually has gurgling noises. Perhaps some more simethicone would help?
We have petsmart and farm and fleet near me.

I personally thought about it just being gas to but the vet said stasis. she was grinding her teeth before which was scary and sometimes she breaths hard but everything else about her is normal. I figured though if it were gas like it must have been back in april, she would have been fine after the 2nd day of giving her simeicone.
If a rabbit has stasis tthe vet does an abdominal x-ray and can actually see the slowdown and buildup of material in the stomach and intestines. it can be diagnosed by x-ray.

my rabbit has been x-rayed when i thought it was stasis and it was not as the vet saw feces moving on down (I had been hydrating the rabbit for 2 days ) ;
i have also had rabbits with full stomachs visible on xray
Ok, that makes sense as well. How is she doing now? I want to remind you that we're not vets, but we know a bit about these drugs. What Randy said isn't agreed to by all vets--some think that the motility drugs help. However, we want you to think hard about what the vet said to you and figure out what is best for your bunny. If you trust your vet, voice your concerns about this drug causing problems, and see what they say, it may be best to give them. You have to make your own decisions about what is best for your own bunny. It may be a good decision to just do what your vet told you to do until you can talk to them again.

Here's another good discussion of something similar
She's laying down right now. She's been active, eating and going to the bathroom normal. Her tummys alittle indented but no longer touching the ground and bloaded looking. The vet didnt do an xray so I'm wondering if I should take her in and have them do one..? I continued to give her metacam cause she was grinding her teeth. I did not give her the 2nd dose of cisapride though. Obviously her guts moving fine cause she's still pooping and everything soo.. Not sure what to do.

She shouldn't have the cisapride if she has not been x-rayed first

That makes me distrust the vet because that is really basic

What does she look like now ; is she grinding her teeth or is she totally normal?
She's sitting normal and acting normal -- snuggling with my other rabbit right now. No more teeth grinding. Only heard her do it that one time.

Cinnabun today. Looks normal.
Oh she is very cute ;
i kind of think we are confusing you ...

Right nowI think that you should make water, hay etc available to her and not give her anything .else

but keep an eye on herhow see how she is in the morning...
The vet said cisapride was recalled for humans and they'd like me to continue to use it every 8 hours but I don't have to. She seems to act the same with and without the medicine. Like I told them when she had GI the last 2 times she was lazy, didn't eat, etc. This time she's active, eating and everything. I asked if they'd do an xray and they said I can bring her in wednesday to get one. They said I could give her the simethicone if I want to as well but I'm not sure. I'm stuck right now..

if she has no symptoms now there is no reason to medicate her now .The 2 drugs meds (simethicone and cisapride) are not like an antibiotic which must be continued until the course is complete.

You need to make your own decision as to what to do...

it is hard but we cannot make a decision for you.
if symptoms return then you could medicate her as she doesn't appear to have a blockage if she is pooping.

I am still wondering why the concern if she really has no symptoms at all now but had them several days ago.:?
Yeah it's confusing. She's eaten the whole time the last few days but days ago it wasn't as much. I gave her 1 dose of simethicone an hr ago incase and some metacam this morning. I am waiting to do the xray before I decide about the cisapride cause like I told the vet there can't be much of a blockage if she's using the litter box as much as she is. I'm mainly guna worry about getting her enough water so she stays hydrated and I'm going to brush her again today incase.
The vet wants me to bring my rabbit to the vet tomorrow and they'll sedate her and do an xray. They said I'd have to stop feeding her tonight, etc. I don't feel comfortable with that whole idea so I'm going to cancel the appointment. She seems to be doing better but not fully better. Still thinking she may have a little gas.
Geez it's good that you cancelled as rabbits do not have to have food withheld for sedation. They cannot vomit. :shock:
I'm really surprised that the vet did know now that.

; it's time to start looking around for a new vet...

I think the vet (and sometimes a lay person) can tell if it is stasis somewhat accurately without X ray just from the symptoms because they are always the same or similar, so may be do trust your vet to an extent, but also go by your gut instincts, you know your rabbit better than the vet who only sees them once in a while.
Some rabbits have more tendency to have stasis. My Black rabbit does more than Red. Red has never had a bad episode. I think that drug that causes things to move does sound a bit dangerous though from my personal opinion, but all drugs can be potentially dangerous, even antibiotics for all animals and humans too, so it is a balancing act - if you give it it is dangerous but sometimes it is life-saving. Well I guess we all know that. Just wanted to write my 10 cents! I am not sure what else to advise, hope she is getting better now :):pink iris:

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