Raspberry Swirl has indeed covered where I'm at. (Thank you, Raspberry).
Pam was right on in saying what an emotional rollercoaster.
I can't thank you all enough for sitting beside me on thisrollercoaster. It seems that many of my friends and family, althoughthey like Tucker, consider him 'just a rabbit'. To me, and obviouslywith all the love and support for him expressed by each of you, youknow that he's more than 'just a rabbit'; he's my baby.
With the exception of the people on this board, my mom, my boss, andDajeti2, I haven't had people 'with me' on this. You don't know howmuch your strength and compassion has given me comfort.
I'm sorry I brought the mood down so much. You're so incrediblyempathetic and I wasn't 'alone' because of you. Thank you for thebeautiful flowers, for your friendship, for your time, and the strengthyou displayed by reading this thread. I know it wasn't easy for you,and I realize you often had to brace yourself when you saw replies onit.
Your little man, Tucker, is holding his own. His poops are right backto their normal size, just about, and they're plentiful. Except for thepineapple juice on his fur, you wouldn't know there was anything wrongwith him at this point.
I have learned so much through this experience, and I've learned whateach of you are made of. I hope that someday, I can meet you all andgive you a big hug for getting me through this week. Seriously, youkept me grounded when I was at my worst.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. You may never realize just how deeplyyou've touched my heart, and how badly I needed to hear the things yousaid. I know this post wasn't easy to read, nor respond to. I love youso much for that. Courage really comes from feeling the fear and doingit anyway.
I truly, believe that what goes around comes around. What you havegiven and done for me this past week will be returned to you ten-fold.
I always knew we had a special group in this forum, but when the chips are down, boy, did you all come through.
God Bless You and all your Loved Ones.
I believe this thread can now close on a good note, thank God!
Honestly and sincerely, without your prayers, love, and support, I'm not sure Tucker or I would've made it through.
All my love,