GI Stasis

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Carolyn wrote:
Just for the record, when I asked Kathy Smith if I should give Tucker yogurt, she replied with a firm, "No."

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Buck Jones,

Can you please share with the forum what you said to me the other night on the phone as to why you think she said that?

I will ask Kathy why she was so against the yogurt the next time I talk to her, but I think Buck nailed it as to why.


I know, I'm not Buck :cool: However I do have aquote from Kathy's book that explains as follows "The milk sugars andcarboyhydrates in yogurt may promote harmful bacterial overgrowth."

Some day....farfrom attention Carolyn...far from now...after youare rested...maybe you can add the basics of what you have learnedfrom this ordealto that thread that is floating around aboutbasic bunny care. It gets bumped back up ona regular basisand I think that whenever someone is in a panic, or when a new membercomes along, it is very useful. Personally, I like the way you putthings in words. Easy explanations withsimple directions(kind of funny coming from the queen of rambling,huh?) Raspberry
Carolyn wrote:
Just for the record, when I asked Kathy Smith if I should give Tucker yogurt, she replied with a firm, "No."

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Buck Jones,

Can you please share with the forum what you said to me the other night on the phone as to why you think she said that?....

I think I read somewhere that yogurt tends to kill the good"flora/fauna" in a rabbit's intestinal system, as well as the bad, somay not necessarily be a good thing to administer. Havingsaid that, we have, at the vet's advice, given it to rabbits that areundergoing anti-biotic treatment.

From RABBIT HEALTH CARE CENTRAL:" Lactobacillusacidophilus is not normally a member of the rabbit's intestinalecosystem, but we have noticed that a good dose of driedLactobacillus powder (available at health food stores in powderor capsules) seems to help the rabbit survive the crisis until theintestine starts moving again. No one knows why, but it seems to help.Use non-dairy powder--NOT yogurt. The milk sugars and carbohydrates inyogurt may promote harmful bacterial overgrowth. "


Another thought on supplementing the diet withdigestive enzymes which I hadn't thought much about until my husbandbrought it up after doing some research relating to his own healthproblems.

If we are replacing natural digestive enzymes with supplements, thebody will counter the effects and produce less of it's own essentialdigestive enzymes in order to try to overcome the chemicalimbalancebrought on bythe supplements.Over a period of time, thesesupplements would have little orno effect, so are best used only on occasion.

Oh goodie! I was sohappy to come on and find out that Tucker was doing much better. Totell you the truth, I was kinda afraid to come on... I kept tellingmyself he'd be okay, but there was always that fear... But it's so niceto know he's getting back to himself! I'm so happy for you Carolyn. AndI want to comend you for being so strong through it. I mean, even whenthings started to look really bad, you just kept on doing what you weresupposed to do. I wish you and Tucker a really great weekend! You twodeserve it more than anyone.

--Melissa and Umbra, who congratulates Tucker on a job well done.
Buck Jones wrote:
Wry Neck is difficult to affect a cure for, if one exists.Some of you might remember Gabby's efforts to save herBryce. I've read of someone who, essentially giving theirrabbit up for loss, administered "massive" quantities of Ivermectin andproduced a "cure." I mentioned that to Carolyn, but doubt shewill attempt that avenue, given what has already transpired.

She is rather despondent over the whole circumstances, as any of usmight be. Prayers are about the only recourse left, assituation seems not ready to resolve itself so easily.

IUt can be done Brice is going strong. I now have to finish reading the posts....aching heart

I have a kid song running through my head, "you did ityeah,you did it hurray, ........" stops there.. Dora the explorer

But doing the bunny dance love Dusty

PS Dora's song is good music to bunny dance to LOL

(insert HUGE HUG and love emoticon here) I just got back from Vancouverand was soo upset to read all that was going on with Tucker and ofcourse you. I would read and my heart would fall, then read somemoreand right back upit went!

See bunny vibes from Lil Jezebel and Jaden helped (and me :)

Much love Carolyn :)


Thanks Pamnock and Buck Jones for filling in about the yogurt - and then some!

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To my friends:

You're all so brave to have stayed with me on this and opened up this thread to read the updates.

Believe me, I know that some posts are so upsetting that it would bejust as easy to pass them by. Not only do they upset you, but you feelthat you have nothing to say in response.

Each and every response in this thread gave me strength to keep fighting for Tucker.

I was given advice from a few Rabbit Specialists that without an operation, he wouldn't live through this.

His being alive is nothing short of a miracle in my eyes. It is evidence and proof of the Power of Prayer and Love.

The fact that you all were pulling for Tucks and me gave me theencouragement to keep going. I also had it in the back of my mind thathe wasn't going to go down without my trying everything. Selfish, but Iwanted to know that I had done everything I could and should he passon, it was because it was his time, not because of something I had doneor not done.

Your rabbits are lucky to have you, and this forum's gift is what youbring to it. It's easy and fun to read the 'fluffy' posts, but theseare quite different.

Thank you for having the courage and strength to open this thread andstay by our side. In the end, I've learned a lot and I hope you havetoo through my experience.

I had a family member stop in yesterday and she was shocked to hearthat anything was wrong with Tucker at all because he was hoping aroundand looking as beautiful as ever. If she only knew! :shock:

Much Love,
Tucker's recovery has made happy bunnies out ofall of us. It is a testament to your strength of character, Carolyn,that he has made it through. Your story will encourage anyone thatfeels their case is hopeless. I hope Pam's friend is successful too.God bless you Carolyn- Jan
Thank you for your kind words, Jan,

I hope every one who goes through this comes out with success. Pam's friend, luna21, etc., etc.

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Lastly, I'd like to say this: Take pictures of your rabbits.

When I thought it was over, the one thing I regretted was that I didn'thave more pictures of him than I do, and I thought I had a lot.

Aw I'm so glad to hear Tuckerbuckers is feeling better :)

YAY!!! Give him bunny kisses from me and Megan! (and maybe a hug from Peppy lol)


I used up a whole roll of film on nothing but pictures of Megan ;)
I thought the same when Bunbun died. I only have a few.

But then again, his son is a living picture of him.

LuvaBun wrote:
I hope Pam's friend is successful too.God bless you Carolyn- Jan

She lost him this morning:( We had prepared for theworst as he was passing runny droppings shortly after she gave him someNutri Cal. The running droppings can be an indication of E.coli which can proliferate when a rabbit has GI stasis. Hewas also limp and not responding well.


I don't have a computer at home right now. I couldn't wait toget here this morning, but i was also very scared to read this postafter I left on work on Friday. I was so happy to get on andread.

I don't think anyone except those of us who have our babies, understand the love and bond that come with rabbits.

I hope you got some well needed and deserved rest this weekend.!!!!

Way to go Tucker. I am so glad mylittle guy is feeling so good now. Tucker is just blessed to have suchan awesome Mommy to take care of him.

Tucker, I hope you like the card me and your cousins sent.


What an "unrest cure" and roller coaster ridethis has been! Kudos to Carolyn and Tucker for showing theirmettle and to all of you who were on the edge of your seat, prayingright along with them.

We are, no doubt!


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