GI Stasis

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The surprising thing is that there's nothing that could've reallybrought this on out of the ordinary. He has a constant supply of hay,he's groomed, he gets papaya a couple of times each week, his systemand diet should've certainly prevented this, but as Pamnock said, ithappens during this time of year and the Spring. As I was talking toDajeti2 last night, she said that if it could happen to Tucker, itcould happen to Apollo. You think you're doing everything right andwhamo, your rabbit stops eating and drinking for days.

There's also a condition out there called Rotavirus which can cause amolassis-type of poop and it the time of year when it hits. Don't knowmuch about this at this point, but Pamnock had brought it to myattention.

Just make sure that your rabbits are on schedule with their eating and drinking.


Thanks for taking the time and keeping us up todate on Tucker. I think I speak for us all when I say you and he are onour minds!

Poor little guy, he must be sooo uncomfortable right now. :( I will be thinking of you both often.
Poor Tucks!

I hope he is doing better! Our thoughts are still with thepoor guy. I just upped my buns supply of pineapple and gavethem another papaya tab since it is shedding season.

Did you try some pumpkin baby food or pie filling Caro? Iheard that is supposed to be LOADED with fiber and should help cleanthings out...

Still in our prayers!
Whatever you do, DO NOT blame yourself. Things like this happen all the time.
Well, at least you knowit's nothing more serious than a hairball. Hopefully Tucks can get overthis soon. Jan's right, you're too good of a bunnymommy to let him go.I'll keep thinking of you guys!

--Melissa and Umbra

My Friend,

I honestly believe that your thoughts and your prayers are keeping himfighting. Last night was a bad night, and I almost thought he was goingto give up. When I read these posts, I now know where he's getting hisstrength from, you and BunnyDanny.

The vet said don't give NutriCal because of the high sugar content, butI'm not going to follow that. I'll slow down on the dosages I wasgiving him because of the sugar in the Pineapple Juice, but if he's noteating, then he must still get his nutrients and pineapple juice andsimethicone, and papaya tablets just don't seem to cut it. I'll becareful and not go heavy, but I do strongly feel he needs a little tokeep the vitamins and nutrients going, boost his appetite and hisimmune system.

Thanks again. It really does give me and Tucker a lot of comfort and strength to know you care so much.

Am going to stick with diet for the next three days, and if thatdoesn't work out, then I'll go see a doctor that only deals withrabbits.

Thank you so much.


I'll offer him fresh pumpkin. I completely forgot about pumpkin! Thank you for mentioning it. :)

It's amazing how blank your mind goes when it's happening to your own rabbit.

I, do indeed, remember what we went through with Chompers and Umbra. Iknow you are with me on this. Sorry to have you relive it.
We're all still praying Carolyn. Keepan eye on the little guy's gum color. Changing to purpleishfrom healthy pink is cause for more concern, however, I've seen somevery serious cases pull through. Keep him warm and get him tothe vet if his condition becomes more serious.

Sadly, we have to deal with a higher number of GI issues in our herddue to the fact that Dwarf Hotots are more prone to GI stasis in theface of any pathogen that effects the sensitive nerve endings of the GItract.

Hope for a brighter tomorrow . . .

Much Love,

Thanks, Pam, for telling me what to watch for. I see his gums every 4 hours. Will keep an eye on it.

He does seem to get chilly. Will pay close attention. His temperature was good today, which I was estatic about.

Is problems with the GI inherited? What breeds are more prone to it, other than long-haired?

Any websites or information you could provide on what Rotavirus is would be extremely educational for me.

All my love,
There is little info done on rotavirus andrabbits, except that they do contract it and it is often found to be inconjunction with bacterial infections.

Genetics and stress factors do have some effect onsusceptibility. Cases do increase in the spring and fallduring weather changes and the symptoms and cycles are similar to thosein horses, who have a similar digestive system. Some respondbetter to treatment than others and symptoms don't necessarily indicateseriousness of the condition. I've seen some serious casespull through, where others that appeared to be getting better didn'tmake it. Shut down of the GI system can quickly lead totoxins building up in the system and kidney damage, so plenty ofliquids are a must.

As you've discovered, advice on treatment varies widely with no onetreatment regiment proven to be 100% successful. I push theNutri Cal and tetracycline although have tried many differenttreatments over the years. Lactated Ringers is excellent fortreating dehydration. In emergency cases, I administer salinesolution sub Q.

We're still with you, Carolyn! Call ifyou need anything. If anyone is privy to Carolyn's phonenumber, I suspect she would appreciate a call to bolster herspirits up. Shesounded pretty upset anddespondent the other evening, as we all might be in thosecircumstances. Helps to hear a reassuring voice nowand again.


Haven't been on too much, what with school and all, but I just wantedto say that I'm so sorry you're having to go through this. I know I'dbe beside myself if one of my babies were ill. Give Tucks a hug for me!

Thank you, Pamnock, Buck, and m.e.,

I will give the little man a hug and kiss if he'll let me near him.

Tucker's on borrowed time right now.

The vet says it can take another 3-5 days. If it had not been for thehelp of Pam, Buck, and Rick Stahl, he certainly would've been gone bynow.

Tucker is lucky to have you. I really hope he pulls through. If anyone can pull him through its you.



Thank you, Cristy. You were with us right from the start.

Thank you.

another 3-5 days until what??? til the hairball passes? What does the vet say about his prognosis?

wow, scary--so sorry, Carolyn. I know how awful it is.


Yes, Rose,

Another 3-5 days before the hairball passes. :?

Prognosis: Could be better.


My friend's dog just went through a similar thing (swallowed something indigestible though), and it was really hard.

Hang in there!



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