Again, I thank you so much for all your thoughts, prayers and support.
The palpating of his stomach didn't help. Doctor couldn't feel a majorblockage. We did an Xray, and sure enough, it's a big hairball, butit's very 'gassy' or 'airy'. Little guy just can't break it down.
For now, during the next 3 to 5 days, I'm to give him 3 ccs (which isabout 3+ tablespoons) of fresh pineapple juice, every 4 hours; 1 papayatablet every 8 hours, and about a tablespoon each day Simethicone. I'mto stop giving him the NutriCal, and don't have to worry about givinghim Pedialyte as the pineapple juice will keep him hydrated.
Would you believe he layed down in his cage while in the vet's office?Go figure. I was all worried about stressing him out more, and he makeshimself right at home. The syringe feeding throughout the day and nightis getting old for both of us. Sure hope something breaks soon and hestarts being able to move his system again. He hasn't eaten or drank asmidgen of anything since that one tiny bit he took this morning, andbefore that, no water at all and yesterday no food.
Thanks again for your heartfelt messages. I feel more optimistic this afternoon than I've felt in days.
If Tucks could talk, he'd thank you too. He's fighting it, no doubt. We have our days and nights all messed up at this point.