GI Stasis Help

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I keep nudging her around the house trying to get her to move and get her gut moving but she's not a huge fan.

When we went through Mouse's ordeal, to get him moving, the vet suggested putting him up on the couch, because he wanted to be in his spot so badly, that he would stretch and jump down. We were to do this several times, and more as he was feeling better, just to get him stretching and moving, even if only a little bit. Pissed him right off, but was worth it!

Feel better, Henry!
When we went through Mouse's ordeal, to get him moving, the vet suggested putting him up on the couch, because he wanted to be in his spot so badly, that he would stretch and jump down. We were to do this several times, and more as he was feeling better, just to get him stretching and moving, even if only a little bit. Pissed him right off, but was worth it!

Feel better, Henry!

I totally did that and she jumped off several times! She feels a lot better. So much so that she bite me. -_- lol This is normal because she is normally a very aggressive rabbit. So...yay she's going back to her normal self? Hahaha.
Also, anyone else that's gone through Stasis, were you an emotional, exhausted wreck through the process because I'm a little embarrassed to admit that I have shed manyyyy tears this week. I find myself constantly checking on her during the day AND during the night (getting up several times while trying to sleep). I'm definitely afraid I'll lose her. :/ :(

You are not alone! Emotions have been wild this week, and of course you're exhausted - physically AND emotionally. It's been a long road, but she's getting there.

I remember when Mouse had come home and still hadn't eaten. We kept the door to his cage open so he was free to run around, and he'd just lay in his cage, not wanting to do anything. My husband and I were both shedding tears by the end of that first night, and we took turns sitting with him and scribbing his head since he wouldn't move. We would take 4 hour stints, and we both ended up falling asleep on the floor by his cage, we were so exhausted.

You are doing an awesome job! Henry is going to pull through just fine, and knowing how much you love and care for her is helping her get better as well! And don't be ashamed of being worried. Cry out all your worries and frustrations - get rid of all those stress chemicals. And know that we are all here cheering the two of you on.
I'm so glad to hear she's eating her hay and behaving more like her usual self. Not nice of her to give you such a scare :)
I'm so glad to hear she's eating her hay and behaving more like her usual self. Not nice of her to give you such a scare :)

I know right?! What a rude rabbit! Haha.

Today, funny enough, I walked into her room and saw orange urine!! I was like, "STOP IT HENRY!" I've seen it before with the rabbits I work with and it's never been much cause for concern but I called the vet anyway and they agreed that it can be totally normal due to diet. -_- Why is she doing this to me?! Hahaha. I'm certain some of you have experienced this as well but it was definitely a 'whoa!' moment.
I know right?! What a rude rabbit! Haha.

Today, funny enough, I walked into her room and saw orange urine!! I was like, "STOP IT HENRY!" I've seen it before with the rabbits I work with and it's never been much cause for concern but I called the vet anyway and they agreed that it can be totally normal due to diet. -_- Why is she doing this to me?! Hahaha. I'm certain some of you have experienced this as well but it was definitely a 'whoa!' moment.

I know if it's not one thing it's another right! :no:

Don't worry about it! I've seen it before in my buns due to what I've been feeding them. I'm so glad to hear that she is just about 100% back to normal. I know you must feel so much better now!

Should I be concerned that she got into a bag of pellets overnight and I have no idea how much she ate? -_- She hasn't had more than a few pieces (to check appetite) since she first got stasis over a month ago.
MyBunHenry, I'm so glad your girl is doing better. As many rabbit owners know, stasis is one of the hardest things to get thru, for your bunny and for yourself.

This is one of the best Threads I have read. Very informative and provides vital information for every rabbit owner. lovelops, thanks for posting that detailed information about stasis treatments.

I've been going thru the same situation as MyBunHenry. My rabbit is almost 9 yrs old and she's been having stasis episodes for the last year or so. This last episode started with a massive shedding. She seemed ok at the beginning of the shed, but so much hair was coming out that I couldn't pick it out fast enough, I suppose. I came home one day and she was noticeably in distress. I took her to the vet immediately and her temperature was 97. They put her in the incubator and hooked her up to an IV. She got some reglan and cisapride. When that vet was closing, I relocated her to a 24 hr Vet so her treatment could continue.

I took her home after she passed some squishy poop. The vet felt she would progress better being at home. I had her on reglan and cisapride for week with only tiny, sticky poop. She was eating, but it didn't appear it was coming out the other end. I have to admit, I was worried, but then she started passing larger stools. She eventually got to 'cocoa puff' sized poop :yes:

The mistake I made was discontinuing her meds once she had a few days of cocoa puff poops. I should have tapered her off the meds a bit longer. Once her meds were completely stopped, I noticed her poop got wetter, darker, and varied in size. She was also less active and wasn't eating as much as she had been, so I called the vet. I was advised to put her back on the meds. We are now going to do an experiment to see which of the 2 meds is helping her the most. I'm going to get her back to cocoa puff poop, then reduce the reglan to 1x a day and see how she does. I'll do that for 5 days and then stop. If things are still going well, then I'll lower the cisapride dose gradually and monitor how she does with that. If discontinuing the reglan causes her to regress, then I go back to the original reglan dose and go thru the process of discontinuing the cisapride. The vet wants to know which drug is helping her, or perhaps it's both. If my bunny needs to be on a motility drug long term, the vet wants to know which one is helping and what the minimum dose needs to be. The only way to know is to go thru this process.

I was wondering if anyone else has gone thru the process of figuring out which drug works better and if anyone else has their rabbit on a long term motility drug.

I know my bunny is getting up there in age, but I love her to death and just want her to feel well. This last stasis episode followed a massive shed, but her other stasis episodes were out of the blue. I'm wondering if stasis is just part of the aging process in rabbits and she might need to be on a motility drug for the rest of her life. It's amazing how well she feels when her GI tract is working properly. If keeping her on a low dose will keep her feeling well in her senior years, then I guess it's worth it.

Thanks again for all the informative posts. It's nice to know there's a place to go to get great information from people that have been in my shoes. :sunshine:

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