GI Stasis Help

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Maybe she's in pain due to the fact that she hops from wherever you move her and of course the sounds from the tummy. My rabbit had a similar situation where he would refuse to eat anything or even be as hyper as he usually is and I would give him strands of hay for him to grab the piece till he starts eating. I also gave him tummy rubs that did help him go through whatever he was going through (I would put a hand on his tummy and another hand on his butt/hindquarters for support and kind of 'bounce' him up and down and/or place both hands side-to-side and sway left and right). Also, if there's blockage try getting her started on papaya tablets and definitely cut down on the pellets.. I always give my guy a mountain of hay and enough pellets to cover just the base of the bowl, I never fill it up or anything like that because it would only make him fatter as well as treats obviously haha. I'm also a little careful about the veggies I give him because there's certain veggies that can contribute to the problem rather than help solve the problem.. whenever I give him veggies, it's a mixture of mint, cilantro and carrot tops. So my advice is to try what I tried and definitely have a ton of hay rather than pellets/treats. Hope I helped and your rabbit gets better! :)

Oh and definitely try to reduce stress too.. stress is an important factor when it comes to rabbits.

Thank you! She has no pellets as of right now and a lot of hay and green leafy veggies. So far she has only eaten a few pieces of veggies. Absolutely no hay. Even when I put it in front of her mouth she wants nothing to do with it. :/ Of course today would be a level 3 snow emergency.
When you can get her back to the vet, they may need to do more testing to see what is going on. Xrays may be needed, but usually have to be done under GA, and this is something that is better done when a rabbit is doing better, so if they can do a conscious xray, that would be the best option. If they do a GA to take xrays, they should also get a more thorough look at her teeth as well. Even the smallest spur can sometimes cause a rabbit to stop eating.

I found this on the Tardive Dyskinesia site concerning reglan and animals:

Tardive Dyskinesia & Animals

Tardive dyskinesia is a side effect of a class of psychoactive prescription medications known as dopamine antagonists. One such medication is metoclopramide, often sold under the name Reglan. Side effects of this drug are rare in animals, but some that are predisposed to seizures may experience them more often. Other animals may experience drowsiness or hyperactivity. If you suspect your pet is having an adverse reaction to metoclopramide, discontinue the medication and inform your veterinarian.

I'm not dismissive at all, of the information you have provided about this med. And I do understand that your experience with it has been very negative. But when using medications, any medication, there are always risks involved. Some medicine is much riskier than others to use, but we generally weigh the risks versus the benefits and have to decide if it is worth using or not, for ourselves or our pets.

When a rabbit is in GI stasis, this is a life threatening situation, and Reglan has been shown to help, which is why it is frequently used. I also know of other rabbits with long term GI problems, that the use of Reglan can be directly attributed to their improvement. So the med is making a noticeable difference in the health of some of these buns, and shouldn't just be immediately dismissed as a valid treatment option, because in some instances it causes problems.

But I do understand your point. Medications can have serious risks, so shouldn't be taken lightly. And as pet owners, when giving medications we need to consider it carefully and be very watchful for any negative effects.
I just wanted to update you all on Henry's progress. She is pooping a little bit more which I'm really happy about. It's a lot more than I've been seeing. She is HATING her critical care now so feeding is getting very trying. I don't want to "force" her so I just have go very slow and take my time but with having to be to work at 7 am lets just say I'm a little exhausted. Today I gave her spring mix and romaine and she made no effort to eat it but...then I gave her celery leaves and she lost her mind! She started munching away. I did a search on here about the leaves and it said they were ok to feed so I gave her a little bit which she happily devoured!

She's going back to the vet tomorrow which I feel bad about because I know it's stressful but they're going to give her a final look over, talk about any med refills, look at her teeth, and clean up her nails so hopefully this will be it for a little bit.

I just want to thank any and all who commented or just gave well wishes. I'm still scared I'll lose her to this but I feel so comforted to have been able to vent and ask questions to you guys.

Thank you thank you and I will update you soon!
I'll keep you in my thoughts things look better and better. I hope you get good news at the vet tomorrow.
You never know what a bun will and won't eat from one minute to the next.
Sloane wouldn't touch pumpkin one minute and was jumping me for it the next.
Hopefully Henry gets her full appetite back soon.
I'll keep you in my thoughts things look better and better. I hope you get good news at the vet tomorrow.
You never know what a bun will and won't eat from one minute to the next.
Sloane wouldn't touch pumpkin one minute and was jumping me for it the next.
Hopefully Henry gets her full appetite back soon.

Thank you!!

I took her back to the vet Friday. They gave her a 3 day Bup shot, fluids, and did another evaluation. Nothing feels out of place and she's nowhere near dehydrated. They just really want her eating her timothy hay and she has no desire for it at all.

Last night I went to the store and, with a bunny diet approved list, bought every single green I could find from the list. She has definitely increased eating her greens so I'm happy about that but wants nothing to do with hay. My vet says not to be quite worried just yet as it is usually the last thing they'll start eating again because it's harder to eat than other stuff. She's pooping pretty regularly (still small but I was told that it will be like that for a while) which is also good. The vet gave her a med for nausea because she said beings that Henry is overweight she can get what they call "fatty liver" which causes nausea which then in turn makes her not want to eat. They dropped her critical care intake from 50 mls to 30 mls.

I'm still really worried about her obviously. She is nowhere near out of the woods. She still doesn't want to do a whole lot of moving and, again, wants nothing to do with her hay. Are there any tricks anyone knows about getting a rabbit to eat hay? I use shredded paper for her litter box and found her eating it!! So I got rid of it and lined her little box with hay. She was not happy about it.

Thanks again for everything and sorry this is so long!
Did the vet take any xrays or check the teeth under GA? Has a fecal test ever been done?

If this was a simple case of GI stasis due to diet, your rabbit really should be doing much better by now. I suspect there may be something more going on that is causing this to continue, and you may only be able to get to the bottom of it with further testing. I would want xrays, a thorough dental check while under the GA, and a fecal float done as well. With her still not wanting to eat hay, a molar spur seems like a good possibility. Selective eating, where a rabbit won't eat certain things that it normally eats, can be a very good indication of their teeth bothering them and causing pain while eating, so they stop eating the things that seem to hurt the most to eat.

I can't really know if your vets will find anything with more tests, but it's what I would do if it had been this long and my rabbit wasn't doing that much better.
that is a rabbit who is NOT well. how does she feel along her spine? keeping pushing the fluids make sure she has something to eat once a day at least...but push the fluids.
I just called their after hours line. X-Ray and Dental Exam on Monday morning. Hopefully I'll get some answers.

Also, anyone else that's gone through Stasis, were you an emotional, exhausted wreck through the process because I'm a little embarrassed to admit that I have shed manyyyy tears this week. I find myself constantly checking on her during the day AND during the night (getting up several times while trying to sleep). I'm definitely afraid I'll lose her. :/ :(
That's really good to hear. I'm crossing my fingers that these tests will help you get to the bottom of what's going on. It could just end up being a simple case of stasis(if there is a simple case), but there are so many other things that can also cause stasis to occur, and a lot of these can only be seen through xrays and additional diagnostics. If these also come up inconclusive, the next step would probably be finding a specialist, if you have one near your location, or at least see if your vet can consult with one. They can sometimes catch things that even a good rabbit vet will miss. One thing I'll mention is that you will want to check to make sure they will take care of any dental spurs that they find, as I've heard of vets doing an exam and not filing down the spurs. Then the rabbit has to go in for another GA to get it done.

Yes, treating a bun for an intensive illness, is very stressful. I cried and panicked off and on, when my bun went through it. Especially at the beginning when there's no poop, no eating, and you are having to pretty much nurse the bun all day long, not knowing if you are making mistakes, or if the bun will survive. I just had to keep reminding myself to take it a moment at a time, and that all I could do was my best, whatever the outcome. It's definitely not easy.

And who knows, maybe by Monday she will be miraculously better and you won't need the tests.
I just called their after hours line. X-Ray and Dental Exam on Monday morning. Hopefully I'll get some answers.

Also, anyone else that's gone through Stasis, were you an emotional, exhausted wreck through the process because I'm a little embarrassed to admit that I have shed manyyyy tears this week. I find myself constantly checking on her during the day AND during the night (getting up several times while trying to sleep). I'm definitely afraid I'll lose her. :/ :(

Mine have never had Stasis, but I have gone through other things with them like other injuries and YES I have shed many many tears, called the vet more times than a boyfriend, moved their cages to my BED so I would not have to keep getting up and checking on them day and night, I would just be able to open my eyes and turn my head and LOOK to see how the buns were doing.. so YES.. I've been through that for other medical issues so you are not alone.

Do not think negatively. Your animal will pick up on it. I realized that one time when I was freaking out with my bun when I was checking up on him. I know someone is going to probably shoot me down on power of positive thinking, but animals can sense fear and a whole range of other emotions.
Be as positive as you can be with your bun in this trying time. Be extremely encouraging with her. I'm not saying be Stuart Smiley if you remember him from Saturday Night Live (one of the quotes from him I remember and thought was funny was: "But today, I've decided to take a risk, and wear a new sweater. It was sent to me by a recovering sex addict, Melissa D., who knitted it herself; she said it gave her something to do with her hands."), but remember Plato.

Even as Plato wrote, " we cannot cure the body with body; we cure the body with the mind, and if the mind is confused and upset, it cannot cure anything properly."

Keep us posted and keep your chin up.

I hope that you get some answers and that Henry is feeling better soon. Poor girl...
Guess who started eating hay tonight!? Hint: Not me. ;) YAY Henry!! She ate just a little but before tonight she had zero interest in eating it at all. I'm still having her x-ray and dental done tomorrow anyway. There's no harm in it and maybe her teeth really are bothering her. She's going to the bathroom pretty well so I'm not too concerned with a blockage. My vet said if she had one she'd probably be dead by now. Harsh but true. The rabbits I work with don't generally last long once their fecal output becomes reduced or they have diarrhea.

Anyway! YAY!! I will let you know if they find anything tomorrow. I hope not so fingers crossed! Thanks again everyone!
Guess who started eating hay tonight!? Hint: Not me. ;) YAY Henry!! She ate just a little but before tonight she had zero interest in eating it at all. I'm still having her x-ray and dental done tomorrow anyway. There's no harm in it and maybe her teeth really are bothering her. She's going to the bathroom pretty well so I'm not too concerned with a blockage. My vet said if she had one she'd probably be dead by now. Harsh but true. The rabbits I work with don't generally last long once their fecal output becomes reduced or they have diarrhea.

Anyway! YAY!! I will let you know if they find anything tomorrow. I hope not so fingers crossed! Thanks again everyone!

Well I was going to say maybe you got on the floor and started to eat hay beside Henry to try to get her eating hay again?? :)

I'm SOO glad to hear that she's eating again. That is such great news. Please go ahead and go to the vet anyway. I'm so glad that she's using the bathroom but please get her checked out anyway! Thanks for letting us know how she is doing. I was wondering what was going on with Henry! Please post tomorrow or send me a PM and let me know what happened ok?

I'm so glad!:singing:

Well I was going to say maybe you got on the floor and started to eat hay beside Henry to try to get her eating hay again?? :)

I'm SOO glad to hear that she's eating again. That is such great news. Please go ahead and go to the vet anyway. I'm so glad that she's using the bathroom but please get her checked out anyway! Thanks for letting us know how she is doing. I was wondering what was going on with Henry! Please post tomorrow or send me a PM and let me know what happened ok?

I'm so glad!:singing:


Thank you! And I will most definitely let you know!

You guys are the best! Thank you so so much for the support!

Henry went to the vet today for an abdominal xray and dental exam/xray. Her dental came back absolutely normal. While she was under he did smooth out some stuff but nothing really even noticeable. Her abdominal was relatively normal. Her stomach and intestines look good. He said there was no excess gas trapped in there and no blockage. Her liver was a little large but he said it's probably due to how overweight she is. ...Whoops! Bad mom alert! :/ Her blood levels were all normal. He did say that her diaphragm looked a little pushed forward which could be two things: 1) a hernia or 2) fat pushing the diaphragm forward. Again! Bad mom alert! Basically it all comes down to her being obese. So I feel awful because that is pretty much my fault. She is eating greens still but has not eaten any hay today as of yet. :/ She needs to snap out of this soon!
I'm really glad to hear that they didn't find any problems. Though it does make figuring out why she still won't eat hay, a bit difficult. Have you tried buying a new bag of hay, or even trying a different variety of grass hay?
I'm really glad to hear that they didn't find any problems. Though it does make figuring out why she still won't eat hay, a bit difficult. Have you tried buying a new bag of hay, or even trying a different variety of grass hay?

I bought 3 different kinds of hay. Hahaha. This rabbit is such a brat! She ate some of one of them. She wanted nothing to do with the other. I heard her possibly munching on some this am but I can't be sure. The vet said this would probably be the last thing she'll start to eat. Great. -_-

I've made an 'H' with hay in her hay bowl to at least see if she's rooting around in it Haha.

The vet I saw was actually the head vet at the Toledo Zoo when I was a keeper there. He's very well respected so it was pretty cool to have him look at my rabbit! He said next step would be to open her up to see if there's something going on but we wouldn't do that for a while. He acted like a week of this was nothing. Nothing!? Then he can take over! Haha.
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None of the stasis episodes I've experienced, have had a rabbit not touching hay for so long. Your bun is quite perplexing :)

The only thing I can think is that your bun might be associating hay with getting sick, so doesn't want to eat it again. I had a bun do this, but didn't end up in stasis. He just stopped eating his hay, was a little off for a few hours, wouldn't eat much but still ate some. Then after, he would eat pellets and veggies fine, just not hay. I also tried different kinds of grass hay and no luck, wouldn't touch them. I started to think dental issue, cause this is such a typical behavior for dental problems. Was just about ready to schedule an exam and decided to try a little bit of alfalfa hay. Ate it no problem. So couldn't be dental with him eating alfalfa stems. After 3 days he suddenly started eating his hay again. All I could figure was that maybe there had been a weed in it that he ate and made him feel sick in the beginning, so he associated the hay with feeling sick.

Could try a little bit of alfalfa. Just don't want to give too much at the start since she's not used to it.

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